Be Aware of Your Brand When Developing Your Content Strategy

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to content, you need to make sure that it matches your brand. It takes a while to build your brand, and once your brand is well established, your audience expects certain things from you. If you don’t deliver on these expectations, your audience, whose members will eventually become clients or customers if you treat them right, will get frustrated and stop following your brand.

You’ve spent a long time carefully building your brand and attracting the right audience. You don’t want to ruin it by engaging in tacts that will eventually turn them off. In other words, traffic won’t mean anything if you aren’t actually attracting your audience.

There are certain practices that are an absolute no-no for certain brands, and even though they can help attract large volumes of traffic, they likely won’t attract your audience. Here’s more information about this:

Avoid these Tactics If They Don’t Support Your Brand

Brand Jacking

Brand jacking is when you use another brand’s popularity to help boost your own brand. While this may give you burst of traffic, at least at first, you can’t rely on this traffic for your long term success. Usually, people who find your brand through brand jacking won’t end up converting into clients or customers, which is what you ultimately want. Besides, it takes hard work to create a brand, and you want all of your efforts to boost your own brand recognition, not someone else’s. This tactic also stands the chance of alienating your loyal audience members.

Current Events

Sure, you could get a lot of traffic at first by covering current events on your website, but unless these topics serve your audience (and this could include news items, entertainment news, etc), you could be doing more harm than good. The benefits of covering current events is short lived, even if there is an immediate benefit to your audience. The content gets outdated quickly, and chances are pretty good that the traffic that you get won’t covert into actual audience members. Not only that, but your loyal audience may become turned off by this activity and search for a similar brand to yours that won’t annoy them while covering this information.

Only Write on Topics that Are On Brand

Of course, there are exceptions to this advice. One thing to keep in mind is that no matter what content strategy you use, you should make sure that you stick to covering topics that pertain to your brand. In general, the majority of your content should be on evergreen topics, or those that won’t get outdated and will be relevant for months and years to come.

However, there is nothing wrong with covering a different type of topic if you need to, especially if your audience will find it valuable. It just takes a little extra thought, but your main concern should be to put your audience first. Your audience won’t care if you get a lot of traffic, they just want to find the information they need.