How Do You Write Better SEO Content?

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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In the early days of SEO, writing good content for the purpose essentially meant that you had to stuff the piece with keywords. Algorithms weren’t as sophisticated back then, it writers and marketers felt as if the content had to be written this way in order for it to be effective.

This is not the case now since the algorithms are more sophisticated. In general, the most important thing is that the content delivers on its purpose. So, how do you write better SEO content? Here is what you need to do:

Writing Great Titles for SEO Content

One of the most important elements of your SEO content are your titles. Think about the title of this article – How Do You Write Better SEO Content? The article poses a question, and the expectation is that the question will be answered in this article. The article examines the different elements that make up an excellent piece of writing for SEO purposes.

How would you feel if the article didn’t stick to the point and went off on a tangent instead of answer the question, or worse, talked about something completely different? It wouldn’t feel good, and you likely wouldn’t read the whole piece. Even worse from a digital marketing perspective is that you will probably click away and will probably never return to the website again. Your title should absolutely match the content.

Don’t Forget About the URL Structure

The URL structure is another important element. The URL structure of your articles should have certain elements. Here are some guidelines:

  • Make sure your CMS allows you to manually set your own URL for an article. Many have defaults that aren’t SEO friendly.
  • Total number of words in your URL should be 3-4, with exceptions. It could be longer, for example, if you can’t avoid it.
  • The URL is more than just words strung together, it should describe the content. Notice how this URL is /write-better-seo-content ? Think of the URL is a very simple summary of the content. You might need more than 4 words to do that, you might need less. In the case of a URL, less is more.

Deliver on What You Promise with Your Article Content

This should go without saying, but your content needs to deliver on what the title and URL promise. In the case of this article, what would you think if it had gone off on a tangent about which CMS to use? The article mentioned the CMS because it was a valid point, but the point was made in relation to the article content. Readers expect to get the information they are looking for and the title and the URL help them understand what the article is about. The content in the body of the article should deliver on this.

The same goes for subheadings. Think of them as mini-titles that describe the content underneath. The subheading here is “Deliver on What You Promise with Your Article Content” and then the words underneath support that statement. If the words underneath don’t support the statement, you need to either rewrite the title or rewrite the subheading so the two can match.

These guidelines not only help you write better content in general, they help you from an SEO perspective. The algorithms are written in a way that helps them recognize which pieces of content will best help their audience. If your article is packed with excellent information and delivers on expectations.