What is Needed in an SEO Audit

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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An SEO audit is a detailed analysis of an organization’s website that looks at its foundations and content quality to determine strengths and weaknesses and diagnose any possible optimization opportunities. An audit can be performed on an entire website or just a few pages. When a business audits its website, it should do more than check the ranking of its home page on Google. This article explains what is needed to execute an SEO audit successfully.

Before getting into what’s required for an SEO audit, it is vital to outline what it is not. First and foremost, an SEO audit should not be confused with a regular website review. The goal of a website review is to assess the quality of a website or its SEO; the purpose of an SEO audit, on the other hand, is to determine if optimization opportunities exist and to prioritize those opportunities based on business value.

What Is Needed in an SEO Audit? To ensure that an audit is successful, the following items are needed:

Domain Factors

This includes information about the domain itself, such as its age, registration details, historical SEO efforts, and the presence of security parameters (such as the use of HTTPS or an SSL certificate).

Page-level Factors

This includes information about the page, such as backlinks, inbound anchor text, social engagement, and the presence of pages on competitors’ websites.


A website’s content quality largely depends on its total length, with longer content being more authoritative. Therefore, an audit should be performed on the entire website to determine the number of pages and length.

Duplicate Content Issues

Duplicate content is a common problem on websites, and much effort is needed to address it. Therefore, an auditor should check the presence of duplicate content.

Website’s Content Factors

This includes a website’s navigational structure and its internal linking. To determine these factors, the auditor must carefully analyze each page of the website and note any SEO-related opportunities.

Website Updates

The website’s date of the last update and the presence of deprecated tags can reflect a website’s lack of care on the part of its owner, which may be vital information to know.

Link Profile Audit

A link profile audit evaluates how well the website is currently doing with links pointing at it. Link profiles are essential in SEO audits and indicate whether a website is doing well or not.

On-site Technical SEO Factors

Technical SEO factors include the presence of backlinks, keywords, on-page elements, and site structure. The auditor can perform such an audit on a single page, the entire website, or just a few pages.

An SEO audit is a necessary process that should not be neglected. Businesses can significantly benefit from analyzing their websites regularly because their SEO investments will determine how well they perform in the SERPs. To optimize a website, it is essential to understand its strengths and weaknesses.

A successful SEO audit includes all of the above-noted items to provide valuable information about how well a website performs.