What Exactly is Fractional Marketing?

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to scaling your marketing, there are several pathways that are possible. Specifically, you can either choose to keep the growth in-house and potentially hire new people, or you can get outside help. One of the options to scale by getting outside help is to look to fractional marketing to help you grow.

So, what is fractional marketing, exactly? In short, this is a flexible option that tends to be cost-effective. It allows you to draw from industry expertise without all the spend required to hire an expert in-house. Here’s more information about it so that it can help you make an informed decision as to whether or not this is a good option for you.

Get to Know Your Options

Fractional marketing allows you to hire a marketing expert on a contractual basis, enabling you to pay for only what you need. There are fractional marketers for just about every marketing discipline and position, enabling you to pick and choose the type of help you need the most.

The difference between fractional marketing and simply hiring an agency or freelancer is that fractional marketers have years of marketing expertise, and they tend to focus on offering strategic help. It allows businesses to scale effectively because you pay for the help you need for the time and duration that you need.

Benefits of Hiring a Fractional Marketer

So, what are the benefits of working with a fractional marketer over the other options you may be considering? Here’s a look at some of the main ones:

  • Save Money. A fractional marketer can save you money over hiring a full time employee with similar expertise. Plus, you would only have to pay for what you need.
  • No commitment. Because you hire a fractional marketer on a contract basis, you don’t have any long term commitments. When you no longer need them, you can walk away without hassle.
  • Expertise. Fractional marketers represent a clear level of expertise over other types of help you could outsource or even hire. You could also spend time looking for a fractional that perfectly connects with the level of expertise that you need, rather than settling for something that isn’t quite perfect.
  • Flexibility. You can pay for as much or as little time as you need from them, and this is also a scalable situation. If your goals grow, the time you pay for can grow, as well.

How to Know You Need a Fractional Marketer

So, how do you know that you need a fractional marketer over any of the other options, such as a freelancer, agency, or even a full time employee? Well, here are some questions you an ask:

  • Do we have a clear marketing strategy in place or do we need help creating one?
  • Is there a lack of leadership in the current marketing department?
  • Can we afford a full time employee or do we need to find a way to bring in an expert in a cost-effective way?
  • Do we have some personnel gaps to fill to help us achieve our goals?

These are all questions where, depending on the answer, could point you in the direction of needed a fractional marketer over one of the other options.