How to Get Your Website Content to Rank

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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As we know, it’s certainly not easy to get your website to #1. In fact, for many website owners it’s pretty much impossible. No matter what industry you are in or what your website has to offer, there are competitors out there that are also trying to work their way up the search engine results page.

The search engines continue to update their algorithms and many of the tactics that may have previously worked to improve ranking, no longer do. The key to getting your website to rank in the search engines is to focus on the content that the website provides.

Quality content will always be rewarded. It’s what gets linked to and shared, which are two important signals that the search engines consider when ranking a page.

If you really want your website to perform well, you really should be doing these key things:

Focus on the Users

Write website content that your target audience members want to read. Don’t write for the search engines by trying to stuff keywords into content. That no longer works and will probably just backfire. Content that is written for users is usually optimized naturally. Look for opportunities to add keywords but never force it. Remember who you are writing for. If every paragraph includes a keyword or keyword phrase it’s obvious that you are trying to impress the search engines, not the human visitor that may actually buy from you.

Create Original Content

If your website is saying the same thing at 10 other websites, of course you will find it difficult to compete. Instead, make an effort to stand out with your content. What separates your business from the rest? Provide as much information as possible. The more information that you share, the greater the chances are that someone will want to do business with you.

Don’t worry about being transparent. It’s a good thing. The businesses that are secretive about how they operate don’t get much business these days as information is being shared rapidly. Define your USP (unique selling proposition) and let the world know how great you are.

Add New Content Regularly

The websites that thrive today are the ones that are considered to be “living and breathing” as opposed to “static and boring”. Once you’ve launched a website don’t think that the work is done. Adding fresh content to a website keeps both users and the search engines coming back again and again. A great way to keep a website fresh is to add a blog. Each blog post is an additional page of your site that can appear in a search result. This is of the main reasons why having a blog is so valuable. It enables you to create new content one a regular schedule that pertains to your niche.

Evaluate Your Content Over Time

A business evolves and changes over time, which means that the website should evolve and change along with it. A business website should always be an accurate portrayal of a business at any given point. If you eliminate or add a product or service, that should be reflected on the website.

The goal is to always provide the most up to date information so that visitors have a good experience. Here are some questions you should be asking while evaluating your content:

  • Are there places on the site that can be improved?
  • Is the content provided on the website valuable?
  • Are your potential customer’s expectations being met on the site?

This isn’t a comprehensive list, but it can help you get started thinking about your website and whether or not your content needs an upgrade. Adding content that helps improve the usability of your website and your customers’ experiences once on the site is a good idea! If you add content just for the sake of it, this could do more harm than good. As long as the content is useful and valuable, it will help your overall marketing plan.