You Need Great Website Navigation for Digital Marketing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When you’ve gone to the trouble of making your website unique to help it stand out from the crowd, you don’t want your navigation to fall short. You want your navigation to not only be functional for users, but to stand out as well. There is no one way that will work effectively for all websites.

Since your website is the backbone of your digital marketing, you want to make sure all sections of it work together. Navigation might seem like a small thing, but it can make or break a user’s experience when visiting your website. Here are some things to think about when deciding on your website’s navigation:

Your Website Has Its Own Personality

When you first create your website, you might not know the approach you’re going to take with it. Will it be serious? Creative? Playful? You might go through a few versions to find out what works best. Whatever you do decide, your navigation should match. For example, if your website has a professional theme, you shouldn’t create navigation that has a childish font. Your navigation should match your website.

Over time, you may change your navigation, which is fine to do. It’s not the same as changing the look of your website as a whole or your branding, which can confuse users and customers. While navigation is important, a change to it’s template or style won’t cause upset to users unless the change makes it less user-friendly. Take your website’s personality into consideration when designing your navigation.

Consider Your Audience When Creating the Navigation

Liking your navigation is important, but what matters more is that it is user-friendly. Your audience should be your priority when thinking about navigation. Considering visitors will use navigation to get from one page to another, you want it to be functional, appealing to the eye, and uncluttered. Whether your audience wants to view your blog, your contact page, your “about me” page, or other resources, these should be easy to find. Create a navigation bar that only lists the most important sections of your website. A simple, but effective navigation bar will please your audience.

How To Know If Your Navigation is Effective

If you look at your website’s traffic numbers and they are steadily increasing, this is a good sign that your website, along with its navigation, is working for them. You can also check the traffic of each individual page. You may also want to see where your major sources of traffic are coming from. Your bounce rate will also provide you with important information about the navigation of your website.

If people are staying on your website for a decent amount of time, this can be a good indication that your navigation is easy to use and help them to find what they need. If users spend time on your website, especially if they are visiting various pages, your navigation is doing its job.

Creating navigation for your website should be taken as seriously as any other part of your website. Navigation matters to your visitors and can be a deal breaker for their return if it’s not user-friendly. Remember that your navigation will help users get from one web page to another and having them explore your website is a success.