Website Content – Images Should Support the Content

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It’s true that websites should have photos or de interspersed throughout the site in order to breathe life into it. When a website is visually pleasing, it really does go a long way to help the site perform better overall. However, the key here is that the images need to be done tastefully and not overpower and overwhelm the site. The number one tip that we have found is that the images need to absolutely match the content of the content of the page. Here’s more information:

Industries Have Different “Standards”

The first thing you need to think about when selecting images for your website and for your content is that some industries have a higher tolerance than others for image-heavy sites. In fact, in some industries, this is an accepted practice. For example, if you are running a design firm, you will need images to showcase your work. Other industries, such as those focusing on B2B products or services, might have a lower tolerance for heavy images sites.

Before determining which approach you will take, be sure that your plan syncs up with the trends in your market. Otherwise, your audience could be turned off if there are too little or too many images on your site. The definition of “perfect” in this case will be determined by these outside factors.

Be Sure Images Are Relevant

It is so true that images need to be relevant. What does this mean, exactly? We think about relevant images as those that match the topic of the page. For example, for this article, I specifically selected an image that matched what we are discussing. I showed a website across multiple devices with image-heavy content because this is what seemed to fit the words on the page the best.

What would have happened if I selected an image that didn’t depict these images? For example, I could have selected a website with the word “content” written across the screen. Although we are technically talking about content in this article, that would have quite described it. The image I actually chose is a much better fit.

Consider SEO When Deciding on Images

Another consideration when selecting images for your website is that they could negatively impact SEO indirectly. If your website is image-heavy, it could be causing your site to loud much slower than it could. Slower websites can have a higher bounce rate, and both of these factors can have a negative impact on SEO. The faster your site is, the better.

If you have decided that you need an image-heavy site because of your niche, there are things you can do to speed your site up. For example, if you optimize the images or even upload images that are smaller in size, this should help lower the load times. It is also worth considering if you really need all those images, of if you can get away with removing some. Again, this will depend on your industry.

Images should be looked at as an extension of your content. If any of the images are irrelevant on your page, this could do more harm than good.