Make Sure You Vary Your Content

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It’s true that posting regular content to your website has a lot of benefits. It can help increase traffic, improve user experience, and even grow your business. However, it is all too easy to get stuck in a rut. Are you posting content just because someone told you that you need to do it on a regular schedule? Do you feel as if you are running out of topics to cover?

Just because you know that posting on a regular schedule could be beneficial, you need to be careful that your content has some variety. If it all sounds the same, it won’t help your business and may even do more harm than good. Here are some tips that can help you create great content for your website:

Represent Every Phase of Your Buying Cycle

When people write content, they may unknowingly create it with too limited of an audience in mind. The truth is, people look for pieces of information on your website no matter what phase of the buying cycle they are at. In other words, your content can be used to attract new customers, answer questions for current customers, and help warm leads make an educated buying decision. There needs to be content on your website that represents every stage, or else you could be missing a lot of opportunities.

Ask Different Departments at Your Company for Insights

One thing that can help you collect topics for your content is to ask different departments at your company for insights. Here are some ideas:

  • Customer service can help you create content that will address the needs of your existing customers.
  • Sales can help you find content that will appeal to its leads
  • Other departments  may have other insights, as well

The truth is, everyone at your company will have a different perspective, and they should be asked for ideas concerning content.

Create Different Kinds of Posts

Do you favor a certain type of content on your website? Do you typically write long form articles, short form articles, or maybe even post a lot of video content? There is no wrong way to deliver content, but one thing to remember is that you don’t want to post the same content all the time. You want to create variety in post length, post type, and also content type. Post videos, write shorter posts, create pillar content where you link to other articles on your website. If all the content looks too similar, people will get bored with your website and click away.

Your goal is to make sure that people have their needs met when they visit your website. If they don’t feel that their needs are being met, they will leave your site and find another way to get their answer. Your goal is to create enough variety in your content to please your audience, and audience members may have different needs. You need to find the right content that will please everyone, no matter the phase of the buying cycle they are on.