Does Usability Help with SEO?

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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SEO is a digital marketing practice that enables your website to get seen in the search engines. There are many factors that impact SEO, and each one needs to be accounted for when developing an SEO plan. These include developing content that your audience will find valuable, making sure the intent of your pages matches the content, and technical factors like site speed. Usability is also one of these factors, and making sure your site is well designed and easy to navigate can absolutely help with SEO.

Get to Know Usability

Usability describes the quality of the experience that you provide to the visitors who spend time on your website. The website should be easy to navigate and prove to be engaging to prevent the customer from moving on to a competitor’s website. Your design should have all of the necessary features to accommodate your visitors and help them find what they need.

You can consider performing a measurement of your website’s usability to determine if it’s clear and simple to navigate to prevent your customers from abandoning it. Currently, a good portion of website visitors use their mobile phones, making it necessary to format it correctly to avoid turning people away.

How Usability and SEO Work Together

Usability is exactly what helps keep people happy while visiting your website. As it turns out, this is the very thing that can also help SEO.  Website usability does help boost your SEO because the search engines are concerned with making its customers happy. To do that, the search engines need to make sure the right websites are returned in the search engines. Here are some things you can do:

  • Write naturally. Write your content as naturally as possible. Today’s search algorithms are sophisticated enough to understand natural speech, which means that your main focus should be your audience, and not trying to please the search engines. This is a main component of usability.
  • Create great content. It’s not just about how to write, but what you actually choose to write. Usability is about connecting the topics with your audience’s expectations. What are they looking for? Provide them with it and it will improve the usability.
  • Develop great navigation. Can your visitors actually find the information they need on your website? If not, your navigational elements could use work. The search engines also respond well when a site is well laid out because they know how important it is for your audience.

Overall, you want to make sure that your website provides visitors with a good experience. They should easily find the information they need. It should be well written. The site should load quickly without any issues. The search engines know how important these things are and it is factored in when deciding to return your website in the search or not. In that way, it is a good idea to put your audience first. This will improve usability and also, it could help your SEO.