How To Avoid Unwanted Sources of Website Traffic

Categorized in: B2B Digital Marketing
One of the goals for digital marketing is increased website traffic. Getting eyes on your website is a good thing. You expose new visitors to your business website, brand, and products and services that you offer. These are positive reasons for increasing traffic. But not all traffic is created equal. Attracting the attention of the wrong audience. The wrong audience will not create the results that you are looking for. For example, the wrong audience will not sign up for your newsletter, follow your social media, or make purchases. So, while it seems like all traffic to your website is beneficial, this is not true.
You want to focus your digital marketing on attracting desired traffic. Here are some ideas to help you to attract the right audience and lessen the unwanted traffic to your website:
Get to Know Your Target Audience
In order to attract the right audience, you need to know your target audience. By taking the time to learn who your audience is and what they want and need, you will be able to tailor your digital marketing to them. In failing to complete this task, you will undoubtedly attract the wrong audience. Knowing your target audience will make your job easier. If you have a local business, you will want to focus on using some local keywords that will attract people in the surrounding area. If you own a business website that offers design services, you will want to use keywords that users are searching for.
Align Traffic with Your Brand
When you know your target audience, you can begin to work toward attracting the right traffic to your website. Armed with this knowledge, your strategy can become more specific. For example, for a locally owned business, your target audience and traffic are the locals. You don’t need to appeal to people from other states or countries. People from distant area would clearly be the wrong traffic to attract.
Create a Plan
Once you know your target audience and how you can appeal to their interest, it’s time to put a plan into action. This plan should include how to draw them to your website. This may include creating content to share on social media. Content can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and even a newsletter.
When people sign up for a newsletter, they have a true interest in what a brand or website has to offer. They want to hear what you have to say because you offer valuable information, products, and services. When it comes to social media, focus on the platforms that your target audience makes the most use of. This doesn’t mean you can’t post elsewhere, but you want to be where your audience is.
Everything you do should be done with your audience in mind. From the content you post, to what you share on social media, as well as how you interact with them. When you invest in online advertising, including social media advertising and PPC, you want to use the best keywords to attract your target audience. Don’t make the mistake of trying to appeal to everyone because this is what will create unwanted traffic to your website.