Find Topic Ideas for Content Marketing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It’s true that content marketing is one of the main strategies associated with digital marketing. However, your content marketing strategy is only as good as the topics you choose to write about. These topics need to pertain to your digital marketing and should be selected to have maximum impact. The problem is, sometimes it can feel like you just don’t have any ideas. When this happens, it can be helpful to have a series of tips and tricks at your disposal that will help you find the best ideas:

Have a Brainstorm Session

One of the best ways to find ideas is to brainstorm with other people at your business. People in different departments, for example, could have insights that will help you find great ideas. You really should be creating content for all stages of the sales cycle, and in order to find a great breadth of topics, you should ask people in different departments. For example, your customer service department may help with topics related to customer retention. Also, the sales department may help you find topics that will help close more sales. Content marketing should encompass a wide range of topics to please both your prospects and your customers.

Use Social Media

It’s true that you can use social media to inspire ideas. Who do you follow on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn? These people are your friends, followers, members, and subscribers on social media. Such individuals are also potential sources of blog topic ideas. Marketers everywhere are discovering that social media is a great way to get consumer insights and learn about market trends.

Therefore, you should take time to comb through your social media feed and pay attention to topics that cause discussions. Such topics would offer great ideas for your marketing content since they show you what consumers want to know. Recommendations from famous bloggers on social media are also a great way to find unique ideas for your next blog posts.

Use Business and Productivity Tools

Plenty of tools on the market can help you find content marketing inspiration. From mind mapping tools to book recommendations and how-to guides, there is nothing wrong with getting extra help in the ideation process. A content management system (CMS) can help you generate ideas based on keywords, search volume, and linkability. The chances are high that something out there will work for your business.

If you are having trouble thinking about blog topics and ideas, keep a book or notebook handy to note down ideas. Whether during conversations with people or while taking a walk, try and keep any ideas that might work for content marketing. This can be a great way to remember topics while in the middle of the creative process.

These are just a few tips on ways to find topics for content marketing. Remember that the key to a successful blog is posting new topics regularly. Once you’ve started finding great post topics and have decided on a schedule that works for you, put your plan in motion.