4 Ways to Supplement an SEO Campaign

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Probably the most frustrating thing about SEO is that it takes time for a campaign to have a positive impact. It can take months, or in some cases, years, for a website to be rewarded with a ranking boost in the search engines after on-site optimization, posting great content, and building high-quality and relevant inbound links. That’s why it’s best for website owners and marketers not to put all of their eggs in the SEO basket, so to say. Especially in the beginning, it’s best to diversity online marketing efforts and supplement an SEO campaign with the following tactics:

Paid Search Advertising

While SEO certainly requires a monetary investment for the time spent building website trust, there is no direct exchange of money between the website owner and search engine for prominent organic rank. However, website owners do pay search engines directly for paid listings that are designated as such on the search engine results page. This is an option for website owners that haven’t yet achieved the organic placement they desire and a way to get in front of searchers. Google AdWords is typically the best avenue since Google has the biggest share of search engine usage, but Bing Ads can be worthwhile in certain niches, since it can yield targeted traffic at a fraction of the cost of running AdWords.


A retargeting campaign via a network like AdRoll shows banner ads to people who have already visited your website as they browse the web. It helps to keep your company and website top of mind and can be extremely effective, especially in B2C niches.

Social Media Advertising

Unfortunately, the organic reach of social media posts isn’t all that great. If you really want to get the most out of social media, it’s worthwhile to invest in social media advertising. A social media ad can be created to gain more followers. Or, social media posts can be sponsored, ensuring that people are actually seeing the great content that is shared. Social media ads can be targeted to very specific groups of people, ensuring that only people who might actually have a need for the product or service are seeing the ads/content.


Email newsletters might seem a little “old school” in the days of social media, but they certainly aren’t dead. Consider your audience. Where are they most receptive to receiving work-related information? It could potentially be in their inbox. Create an opt-in email subscriber list and set up a simple email newsletter that sends out the great SEO content that you’re already writing.

What all of these tactics have in common is that they help to build a brand. They might not impact SEO directly, but over the long term they will help to build awareness and trust, which does enhance SEO. And in the meantime, they can generate website traffic and conversions.