Keys to a Successful Fractional CMO Relationship

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Let’s imagine that you’ve hired a Fractional CMO. You know they will help you oversee the planning and development of your marketing department and marketing strategy, as well as help you achieve some major business goals. You’re excited to get started, but one thing you should know before you do is that you should definitely free up some time to nurture this relationship. The better you work together, the better the results will be. Here’s a look at some keys to a great relationship with your Fractional CMO:

Get to Work Early Building Communication

In order for this relationship to be successful, you should get started early building the relationship. This means that once you decide to work with them, your job isn’t done. You’ll need to clear your schedule, at least in the beginning, to start things off right. You need to be present in order to build the communication needed for a successful relationship. After all, the better you work together, the better the results will be.

So, what is needed to build a good relationship? In general, it means getting on the same page early. Make sure they know the goals you are trying to accomplish. You also need makes sure you understand what they’ll need from you in order to accomplish what you want them to achieve. This isn’t a “hire and forget about it” situation. You need to be fully present to build the best results.

Determine Expectations Early in the Process

As mentioned above, communication is the key to success. One of the most common ways this is expressed is by discussing expectations early. What do you expect them to achieve? What do they expect or need from you? What are the goals? This needs to occur in your first conversations, or else you will have trouble believing that they can help you, and they will also have trouble actually helping you.

When the expectations are clearly laid out, they will be able to formulate a plan that will get your company where you want it. After all, the goal of marketing is to ultimately bring in new business, and they are well-poised to help you, as long as you are both up front about what you expect.

Always Be Accessible to Your Fractional CMO

Granted, you did hire the Fractional CMO to make your life easier, so no one expects you to put in as much work toward the goal as they are. Most, however, expect that you will be available when they need to review things, ask questions, and more. You should always be accessible, but make sure that their expectations of how much time you’ll need to spend with them are fully realistic.

On the one hand, you should trust that they know best and be available to them. After all, it will make the process go a lot smoother. However, don’t be afraid to also offer suggestions on how to streamline the process if you see ways to help with this. Remember that no one else knows the business better than you, and you will need to be there for them as needed.

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