Social Media Knowledge Does Not Have an Age Limit

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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These days, the ages of those who work in the digital marketing space could span several generations, and this includes those who work with social media. Those who are younger likely grew up with social media, so they are well versed in the various platforms. Those who are Generation X or older didn’t grow up with social media, but rather had a chance to learn about each platform as each one was launched.

This means that every generation should have a solid, working knowledge of social media. It also means that each generation has something to contribute when it comes to navigating social media.

Age Has Nothing to Do with Knowledge of Strategy

While it’s true that the younger generation may be very comfortable with social media, that doesn’t mean that they have a knowledge of strategy. In fact, age really has nothing to do with this. People in the younger generation could easily learn how to think strategically about social media and how to use it for digital marketing just as easily as someone who has been working in digital marketing for a long time can learn about the platforms.

Get to Know Each Platform from a Marketing Perspective

It is important to note that there are two components here. The first is to have general knowledge about each social media  network, and the second is to have an understand of how each platform can strategically add to the performance of a digital marketing program as a whole.

These are two different sets of knowledge that relate to each other, but they don’t negate the other. You need both working in tandem. In other words, you really need to get to know each platform and how it relates to each business from a marketing perspective, and then you need to have a deep understanding of strategy.

Implementing a Social Media Takes a Lot of Patience

One thing we have observed is that often, people who use social media for business, seem to place a lot of value at the concept of waiting for a post to “go viral”. While it is nice when this happens, this shouldn’t be relied on when using social media for business purposes and as part of a wider digital marketing strategy.

For the most part, implementing a social media strategy for business takes a lot of patience and consistency. This is what ends up, over time, yielding the results that are needed. In other words, shooting for something to go viral is not a strategy, and it shouldn’t be mistaken for one. Instead, time and attention needs to be taken to create a strategy, implement a strategy, and monitor results.

People who work in social media marketing have the ability to use their life experiences, including their ages, to their advantage. No matter how old they are, the important thing is to understand the core knowledge set needed to use social media for digital marketing. In truth, these skills are things that all digital marketing professionals need to learn, regardless of their ages and even their level of marketing experience.