Social Media Should Be About Sharing Information

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to social media, many businesses make the mistake of thinking that they need to be flashy or clever in order to really gain momentum. As a result, they end up developing campaigns designed to get attention and maybe even “go viral”. Either that, or there are some who believe the main point of social media is to communicate information to customers, such as coupon codes, and helpful product information.

While this is some of what social media can be used for, it also misses the point. Businesses shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that the main point of social media is to share valuable information, such as links to articles from the business blog. This will form the core of any social media plan. If any other types of posts are made, such as those that are designed to “go viral” it shouldn’t form the bull of a social media strategy.

Here’s more information as to why social media should be all about sharing information:

Social Media Needs to Create Value

The main purpose of social media is that it needs to create value for your audience. By this, you will need to give them plenty of helpful information that they will find useful, helpful, and informative. Whether you are sharing a video about a product, a link to an informative article from the blog, or information about one of your services, the main goal of each of these pieces of content is to add value to your customer’s lives.

It’s all about sharing helping information. If your audience finds the posts that you make to be useful, they will follow you and keep returning in order to read more of your posts. When you share information through social media with your audience in mind, your value increase and so will your momentum.

Social Media Momentum Needs to Be Earned

People make the error of trying to be too flashy or cute with their social media posts. They try to come up with catchy slogans and one-liners, and their main intent is to be clever enough in order for their posts to get plenty of attention. This type of social media does not share information and it also doesn’t create value. It is often referred to as “interruption marketing” because it is designed to jar us out of our routines and makes us concentrate and take notice.

While this kind of marketing does occasionally work, there is no consistency to its tactics. In order to achieve long term success, social media needs to be used to share helpful information. Although it may not increase the amount of followers you get and the traffic that you receive from social media, these things do increase over time.

The main point of social media is to share information with your audience. If this information proves to be valuable, they will reward you by visiting your website and interacting with your brand. Although this isn’t a flashy approach and these social media posts are unlikely to go viral, they do go a long way to helping you build your brand.