Why Social Media Consistency Is Important

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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By now, we all know that social media is an important part of any digital marketing strategy. However, it isn’t enough to just post on it sporadically. There is a lot that goes into a workable social media strategy that seamlessly works with the rest of your digital marketing components.

One of the most important factors, however, is the fact that social media needs to be consistent. Too often, businesses devalue social media and don’t prioritize it. When the marketing department gets busy, social media is often one of the first things to suffer.

Here’s a look at why consistency is so important for social media:

Build Brand Recognition with Your Audience

The people in your target audience want to interact with brands they know, love, and trust. However, in order to get you to that level with them, you actually need to be present. This doesn’t mean you can only be present sometimes or when you get around to posting on social media. You need to physically be there when they need you.

In order to increase the chances of being there for them, you really need to be consistent. Otherwise, your brand won’t be in front of their eyes when they need you. This means that you will have missed the chance to build solid brand recognition with them, simply because you were inconsistent.

Improve Audience Engagement

A goal of any business is that they want their audience to engage with them. This can be a sign that they are embracing what you have to offer. This is why consistency is so important. If you are inconsistent, you won’t be there long enough, and consistently enough, for the audience to engage with.

When you are consistent, it tells a different story. Consistency builds trust, which means that when you do post, people will recognize you and want to interact. It will also give your audience more opportunities to participate in your posts. They will like, share, and comment. While this doesn’t directly result in sales, it will result in building your audience’s “good will” towards you.

Generate Better Data to Assess Performance

In today’s marketing environment, data is everything. It will help you assess performance, and social media data is no exception. The caveat is that you need enough social media data in order to gain insights from it. If you are posting on social media sporadically, you simply won’t have enough data to do your analysis justice.

It’s this very data that will help you make decisions about future strategic initiatives. It will help you assess if your social media strategy is working. The problem is, nothing about your strategy will work if you’re not consistent. Consistency is the most important thing to shoot for, and if you don’t have it, you will never see the results you want.

When it comes to social media, consistency is the most important factor. It will help you better connect with your audience and increase your likelihood of success.