How To Keep Social Media Followers Happy

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Having a social media following is an important part of social media marketing. But gaining followers isn’t the end result. Once you have followers, you want to keep them not only following, but engaging with your posts and content long-term. How can you make this happen? Here are some tips to get you started:

Create eye-catching content. To keep your customers interested in your content enough to read, like, and, share, the content must grab their attention. Each piece of content that you create and share should have a purpose. Content can consist of a video, a blog post, an article, an infographic, etc. When deciding what type of content to post, think about who your target audience is.

Their attention is the one you want. If you direct your content at them by sharing content that promises to improve an area of their life, they are more likely to consume your content as well as share it with their followers. All of the content that you publish should be shared on social media. This is a great way to show that your account is active, share your content in a quick and easy manner, and benefit your search engine ranking. An account that is getting a lot of social attention will also get the attention of search engines.

Be consistent. Consistent social media posting is an important factor in keeping your followers happy and engaged. If you start off strong by posting every day and then suddenly don’t post for months, your followers won’t know what to think. They may assume you’re no longer active or your company is no longer in business. This may lead to people unfollowing your social media accounts. Instead of posting daily, simply aim to be consistent.

For you this may mean posting every few days or once a week. The point though, is that by posting consistently your followers will know you are still around. If you post content that is relevant, they will look forward to articles posted once or twice a week. Posting too often, every day, for example, may annoy followers.

Interact with your followers. Social media is a great way interact with followers as a simple “thank you following and/or sharing,” can ignite a conversation. If someone comments on your post, whether positively or negatively, be sure to respond. If someone has a question, opinion, or idea, this can also fuel ideas for future content. Responding to followers is a sure way to keep them happy. You will make them feel seen, heard, and appreciated. Always take notes about what your followers are enjoying and what they don’t like as much.

Share the content others are posting. You know that feeling of happiness you get when someone shares your posts? Others feel the same way. This is why sharing other’s posts is a good idea when social media marketing. You will make your followers happy and inspire them to share your posts as well.

By following these tips, you are sure to make your social media followers happy.