Simplicity is Best for Website Usability

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Your business relies heavily on your website, and so does your marketing. It’s where customers can learn about your business, read your content, and make purchases. In addition to its usability, your business website should be attractive. Combined, this creates an environment visitors want to spend time exploring. The end result is that you have a website that users love, and in the long term, this will help your marketing efforts. Here’s what you should know about creating a simple website for usability:

Website Usability

Website usability is the ease of use that visitors experience when spending time on your business website. A website with good usability should have a user-friendly design that makes things easy to find. Navigation should be organized and well laid out. Visitors should not have to struggle to find what they are looking for. When you think of usability, user-centered should be your main focus.

After all, the very reason why you’re in business is to attract the right people. You don’t want them to leave because they are frustrated by elements of your website!

Simple is Attractive and Efficient

Simple doesn’t have to mean boring. In fact, a simple website can be attractive and effective at the same time. A simple website design can even outshine the most complex websites. Why is this? A complex website requires the brain to take in and process a lot of information. This doesn’t just refer to content, but layout, colors, and navigation. A simple website design doesn’t require so much work to process. This might not seem important, but a website that is complex can be overwhelming and cause visitors to leave and not return. People are busy. They want to easily find what they are looking for.

When it comes to navigation design, you want to prioritize accessibility. Your website menu should be easy to locate and use. Avoid adding a lot of effects, but images are okay only if they are relevant and will help users with their navigation goals. Consider your target audience when choosing color schemes and fonts. The font and typeface you’d choose for an audience of 20-somethings is different than that of what you’d choose for 50-somethings.

Simple is Fast

A simple website is going to load faster than a complex one. Visitors don’t have the time to sit around waiting for pages to load. The speed of your website adds to the user experience. In addition to user experience, a fast loading website will improve your placement in the search engines because they prefer to promote websites that provide a good user experience. Fast loading time will increase the chances of visitors sticking around and becoming customers.

Simple is Mobile-Friendly

With so many people using their mobile devices to search and shop, it’s critical that your website be mobile-friendly. A simple website design is easier to translate onto the smaller screen of a mobile device. In addition to a simple website being quick to load on a mobile phone, it should also have touch-friendly buttons and a prominent call-to-action (CTA). A mobile-friendly website is going to attract more customers who prefer to use their mobile devices to consume content and do their shopping.

You will also increase your lead opportunities with a mobile-friendly website because people are on their devices so often and this will increase the chances of them interacting with you. If they can contact you in whatever way is most convenient for them, this is a clear benefit. Your SEO will again benefit from a mobile-friendly website design, because search engines know the importance of being mobile-friendly these days.

Your business website will benefit from simplicity. Not only will it be more appealing to visitors’ eyes, but it will allow your website to run much more smoothly, therefore improving the user experience. A good user experience will benefit your business by keeping people on your site for longer and increasing conversions.