SEO Tactics that Work

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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If you know anything about SEO, you know that it’s an ever changing industry. Search engine optimization was a much different game even just one year ago. The search engines are continually changing their algorithms and what worked before may not work now.

In fact, what worked before may even get you a penalty now. That’s why it’s so important to stay up to date with what’s going on with the search engines by reading their blogs and reading the blogs of other industry experts.

SEO has been known to change during the years. However, there are proven tactics that always work. Here are some proven strategies that are always a part of SEO:

While SEO may be ever changing, here are 4 proven tactics that work:

On Site Optimization

It’s still considered to be best practice to optimize every page of your website. This is done by conducting keyword research and implementing selected keywords naturally into the meta information and on page content. The title of each page is still considered to be an important ranking factor. The search engines rank individual pages, not websites as a whole. If each interior page of your site is missing crucial meta information this can result in missed opportunities. Ditch outdated tactics like keyword stuffing, cloaking, and duplicating content.

Focused Link Building

Link building is still a beneficial component of an SEO strategy, if you are doing it correctly. Gone are the days of paying for links or taking advantage of so-called “link farms”. The quality of links is much more important than the quantity of links. Link builders need to be more creative and spend some time digging and researching to find good sources of links. When it comes to link building, focus on places that target audience members actually visit so that the link also has potential to generate traffic to your site. Good links come from industry related sites that accept guest blog posts or include directories.

Content Creation

If you aren’t creating and distributing content on behalf of your business you aren’t doing SEO properly. An SEO campaign without any content is severely limited. Content is what attracts the attention of search engine spiders and target audience members alike because they both want to learn more about your business in order to properly rank your site or to make a purchase decision. The static content on your website just isn’t going to cut it anymore. As long as a business can commit to it, it’s advisable to launch a business blog and keep it updated regularly. Submitting guest posts on other sites is also a great way to get noticed.

Social Media

The search engines want to rank content that is beneficial and social signals are an indicator of good content. If a piece of content is being shared throughout social media, the search engines take note. Social media has become an important part of SEO which is why businesses that take online marketing seriously need to have active social media accounts. Participate in discussions with social followers in order to gain their trust and encourage them to share your content and links.

When it comes to SEO, there are several tactics that are always going to be important. Sticking to these core tasks will ensure the success of your SEO plan.