Develop a Workable SEO Strategy

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Whether you’re building a stand-alone blog or a website with a blog component, blogging alone can’t be your marketing strategy. It’s important to build search engine optimization (SEO) tactics into your blogging efforts in order to gain new customers, clients or readers. It’s not enough to simply post a great piece of content on your website. SEO strategies are akin to workers you’ve hired to get a job done. While you’re sleeping and people are searching for content that falls in line with what you create, your SEO strategies will direct people to your content. This happens long after you’ve hit the publish button on a blog post. In order to build and develop a workable SEO strategy, consider the following tips.

Develop a Strong Roll-Out of Quality Content

There’s no shortage of content on the internet. So many people create content each day. However, consistency and quality are some of the most important factors to pay attention to. While you’ll want to optimize your content, don’t forget about the importance of value.

When a blog contains content that’s both valuable and informative, readers will continue to revisit it until they eventually view you as an authority on the subject matter. Get creative with the way you produce your content in order to engage and keep the attention of the reader.

Use photos and videos to convey the message as well. Even if there are millions of apple pie recipes on the internet, consider ways you can make your recipe a bit more distinct and visually captivating.

Build Internal and External Links

Build links in order to legitimize your content for the search engines. Once you consistently present great content, find ways to link other pieces of content within the new content you publish. Link-building is an incredibly effective strategy for keeping people on your website as well.

Do your best to use your own links when you’re referencing other information on new blog posts. If you’re using external links, let those external links be content you’ve created for other blogs and publications. This is where guest blogging comes in.

Whether you do it once a week or once a day, pitch your content to bloggers, podcasters and other publications. By getting a feature on someone else’s platform, you’ll expand your reach.

As you build your connections, you’ll gain more traction because people will see your content on other websites and visit your website. In fact, guest blogging is a beloved option for building SEO links and legitimacy. Statistics show that 60% of bloggers pitch and create one to five blog posts every single week. This process involves work, but it’s worth the effort.

Connecting with different content creators can also be great because you’re networking and putting your name out there. Always make sure that your feature on someone else’s platform provides credit and a link back to your content.

Optimize Your Images

Image optimization is a major component you’ll want to implement because Google Images is definitely a tool that people use in order to search for content. For starters, do your best to produce your own images. There’s nothing wrong with using stock images, but there’s a certain level of continuity that looks good when a content creator produces visuals with the same aesthetic.

Before you upload the photo into the backend of your blog, you’ll want to name it. Save it under a name that includes the keyword you want to rank for. Google Images and the search engines will recognize that keyword so that you can gain more traction in the long run. Nowadays, it’s easy to produce a great-looking photo from your phone. You can polish it up with a photo-editing app. While professional photos are fun, they’re definitely not mandatory. Create professional-looking photos with your smartphone, and properly optimize them for a workable SEO strategy.

Always Include a Call-To-Action Prompt

Once you have eyeballs on your content, it’s not enough to have them read your words. You’ll want to give them an action step before they click off. Whether you’d like for them to join your email list or click the ‘shop’ tab and purchase items, you’ll need to tell them. It doesn’t matter if they’re looking at your ‘about me’ page or a blog post, always provide a call-to-action prompt so that they’re clear on your desired results.

When you’re launching content in the digital world, it can be understandably intimidating because it seems impossible to stand out from the crowd. While the sea of content creators continues to grow each day, there’s room for your work. By intentionally implementing these tips, you’ll be able to attract lots of clients, readers and potential customers. Just be consistent with your efforts, strategic with your content and patient in the process. You’ll see the results in due time.