SEO Should Be Ongoing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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You know how to start an SEO strategy. You’ve done your keyword research, you’ve optimized your content to include those keywords, and you’ve likely performed an SEO audit followed by making the technical changes necessary to your website. All of these activities will boost your SEO’s performance, but if you don’t perform these tasks on an ongoing basis, they will stop having the positive effect they once had. You must continue to nurture your SEO program.

Here are some things to think about after you’ve done the initial SEO work:

Keyword Research is a Regular Task

Keyword research isn’t a one-and-done task. The words and phrases that you find today that drive people to your website aren’t necessarily the ones that will get the same results in six months. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, as often as a few times a year, though it could be more often than that. Search engines don’t typically announce when changes are made, unless they are major ones, so doing keyword research on a regular basis is important. Keywords that your target audience uses will evolve over time, meaning that if you don’t do fresh keyword research, your website’s search engine results won’t be as high as they once were. They may not even make the first page. Your competitors are doing keyword research on a continuous basis and it’s crucial that you keep up.

SEO Trends are Always Changing

Just like keywords, SEO trends are constantly evolving. What worked last year, might not be garnering as much attention this year. While what worked in the past may still be effective, it might take longer compared to what’s working currently. SEO is constantly changing and we must be open to changing with it. Make it part of your routine to keep up with and study SEO topics and trends. Sign up for newsletters and read relevant blogs so that you know what’s going on with algorithm changes, trends, and other news and events that will keep your search engine results high.

Remain Active on Social Media

It’s not enough to just set up social media accounts that sit there or are only used on rare occasions when you have new blog content to promote. For SEO success, you want to have accounts on all relevant platforms. Being active on all of them will help build, maintain, and grow your following, which will in turn drive more people to your website and increase conversions.

Being active on social media includes more than promoting yourself. You want to engage with your followers by answering questions, replying to comments, and helping to promote their posts as well. When thinking about ongoing SEO tasks, don’t neglect your social media accounts. If your accounts aren’t active, your followers and customers will think that you’ve gone out of business, and so will the search engines. Social media is the perfect opportunity to allow people to find you through search engines.

SEO is not a one-time, or set and forget task. It’s an ongoing strategic marketing process that will benefit the overall success of your brand and company.