SEO Has a Gray Area

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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We are a white hat SEO firm, which means that everything we do is in line with Google’s webmaster guidelines. Google is all about creating a good user experience through their search results, and their guidelines are designed to help encourage usability of the results when a query is made.

Website owners, naturally, want to make sure that their websites are viewed favorable by the search engines, particularly Google. However, what they may not realize is that there is a bit of a gray area to accept when using tactics to improve SEO results while still following Google’s rules. There is a bit of a waiting game, and this can be hard for people (and in he past, some of our clients) to accept.

It Could Take Some Time to See Results

We have a strategy that we use that is in compliance with Google’s guidelines but that we know yields excellent results. However, we just can’t give a client a specific time period, only a very wide time frame. Until improvements are made, it can be difficult for clients to accept our confidence that results will happen on faith.

Some have difficulty trusting our expertise and experience and will often push back at us to let them know a finite timeline. There is no finite timeline, but we do know that it works. This is a gray area that some clients have difficulty accepting and they eventually leave before they even see the results we know they’ll have.

We Have a Program That Always Works

Brick Marketing has been in business since 2005 and we have weathered just about every change the SEO industry has undergone. Our program has been tested time and again and we always remain current on best practices outlined by Google. In other words, we know that our program always works and our clients have a chance to benefit from this. We know it works because of our experience. We want clients to trust that we know how to give them the results they want.

Clients Should Trust Our Expertise

Every now and then we encounter a client who has a hard time accepting that we use a program that works and that we stick by it. They try to get us to make changes based on an article they read, or something that another SEO firm may have told them.

Our response to them? We remind them that they hired us for our expertise and we are confident we will help them achieve good results. Would we tell a dentist how to clean teeth? The answer is no, because that is not our expertise. Trust the experts to do what they are good at!

We stand by our expertise and our process, but we do understand that it can be difficult to wait for the results. We’ve all been there! However, as long as you are consistent and follow an effective SEO program, the results will come. As long as clients can handle the “gray area”, or uncertainty, they will see the results they desire.