4 Things SEO Content Must Be in Order to Have an Impact

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Website content is what generates inbound links (helping to create trust) and establishes keyword relevancy for the search engines. That’s why content marketing plays such a huge role in an SEO campaign. Yet, there are still plenty of website owners and SEOs that aren’t taking a good approach. They might be creating content, but only to fill quotas and aren’t taking it as seriously as they should be. In order to have any impact, SEO content must be the following things:


First and foremost, SEO content needs to provide something of value to readers such as information, data, instructions, etc. It needs to assist them with the problem they are trying to solve, answer questions, and help them reach their goals. It comes down to knowing who your target audience is and what type of information they are looking for. It also needs to stand out from the noise and what others (including competitors) are saying about the same topic. Why should someone read what you have to say over the hundreds of thousands of other blog posts that get published on a daily basis? Any content that is primarily self-promotional or isn’t contributing any new information will have little to no impact on an SEO campaign.


If you’re creating great, useful content – don’t you want as many eyes on it as possible? All content should be properly optimized in order to improve search engine visibility and organic traffic over time. Of course, it needs to happen naturally. Any content that is overly optimized or keyword stuffed will lose credibility.

User friendly

People should be able to quickly access your content no matter what device or browser they are using. It needs to be mobile-friendly and load quickly. It should be free of clutter, pop up ads, ad links, or anything deceptive. Content that is user-friendly is much more likely to be shared and is viewed favorably by the search engines.


The ultimate goal of SEO content is not only to get people to read and enjoy it, but also for them to share it with others. Make it easy for people to share your content in social media by including share buttons to any social network that makes sense for the industry you are in.

They say “content is king” but that’s only true if the content is valuable to target audience members. Anyone can publish a flimsy, low-quality piece of content in order to hit a content quota. But that’s not going to have any significant positive impact on an SEO campaign. In fact, it could harm the campaign. Creating high-quality SEO content that’s going to improve the SEO campaign requires time and planning and resources. It’s hard work, and doesn’t come cheap, but it’s going to pay off in the end.