How to Write SEO Content that Matters

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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There are millions upon millions of pages of web content out there. While that might seem a little intimidating, the truth of the matter is that a small percentage of it is actually any good. And if you’re going to embark on an SEO campaign and begin writing and publishing content, the only way it’s going to matter is if you ensure that your content is in that small percentage.

If you’re just writing content to write content and meet quotas while going through the motions, your content is going to just get lost among all of the other useless content out there.

Here are some tips to follow to keep in mind while writing content:

Write for your readers

What information are your readers (target audience members) looking for online? You can outright ask them what kind of content they’d like to see. You can also look at what others in the industry are writing about and what the response is like. Of course, the key is to take an original spin on the topic and provide something of value. If you’re only spinning what others have said before you, where’s the value in that? Add a unique insight, get an original interview, quote a new source, add a new voice, etc. Do something to stand out from the rest in a way that speaks to your readers and will keep them coming back for more.

Optimize content, naturally

The days of focusing on one keyword phrase in a piece of content and focusing on keyword density are long gone. A better approach is to take a natural approach to optimizing content. Write the piece first without thinking about keywords and then go back and see if keywords can be incorporated in a way that doesn’t disrupt the flow of the content. Then, write optimized URLs, titles, and meta descriptions for each piece of content.

Provide a good user experience

No matter how great a piece of content is or how well optimized it is, it doesn’t matter much if it’s published on a website that provides a bad user experience. The content needs to load quickly, be easy to read across devices, and free of annoying advertisements. If the content is hard to read, people will look elsewhere for the information and probably for the products/services you sell, too.

Add share buttons

Sharing in social media is the best way to get eyes on your content over the short term. Yes, you should be sharing in your own social channels, but why not make it easy for readers to share with their followers by adding social network sharing buttons to every published piece of content?

So, the question is – are you writing SEO content that matters? If you’re not doing these things, we’re sorry to say, but your content probably doesn’t matter. Start incorporating these things into your strategy today.