Where to Go for SEO Content Inspiration

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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close up of hand showing design word CONTENT as conceptIf you know anything about SEO you know that fresh content is an extremely important component of an SEO campaign. However, creating fresh content on a regular basis can be anything but easy, especially if you don’t have much writing experience. Perhaps the hardest part of producing quality content on a regular basis is coming up with topic ideas. But, it really doesn’t have to be that hard. The key is to avoid overthinking and to know where to look for SEO content inspiration. Here’s a list of some of our favorite places to find ideas:

Industry blogs

In today’s rapidly changing business world, it’s hard to find an industry that isn’t evolving. That’s why it’s so important for business executives to read industry news in order to stay up to date. Reading industry publications will not only keep you “in the know” but it can also serve as inspiration for your own content. Take what others in the industry are saying about a specific topic and put your own unique spin on it.

Social media

Social media is a great place to conduct research that can inform your content writing. Start with the questions you’re seeing people ask you in social media. You can also search for relevant hashtags to see what’s trending and what people are interested in learning about at the moment. Be sure to follow industry publications and events as well as direct and non-direct competitors to see what they’re posting about. You can turn these social conversations into blog posts.


Blog Planning
Content is usually the responsibility of the marketing team and it’s easy to get caught in a marketing bubble. But customers and prospects are interested in learning about the company as a whole. Step away from your desk and have conversations with others in the company about what they do and what trends they’re seeing. The customer service department is often a great resource for topics since they’re talking to customers all day. They know what questions they have and what their pain points are.

“Old” blog posts

By “old” we don’t mean outdated. We mean “previously published.” Why reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to? If you’ve already written a great blog post on a particular topic, you can turn that post into something else. For example, you could take the stats and figures in the post and turn it into an infographic (as long as you’re working with someone who has design skills.) Depending on how old the post is, you can also re-visit it and add new information to keep it relevant and fresh.

Brainstorming SEO content topic ideas doesn’t have to be hard. It’s just a matter of knowing where to look, keeping a log of any idea that crosses your mind, and thinking creatively. Once you have the topic idea and a general outline, the actual writing of the post comes much more easily.