3 Keys to Building a Solid SEO Campaign Foundation

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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If you’re just getting started with SEO, one of the most important things to keep in mind is that SEO is all about the long-term. There’s no such thing as overnight success and anyone who tells you differently is lying. This is why it’s so important to take the time up-front to build a solid SEO campaign foundation that supports all of your ongoing SEO work in the years to come. There’s no reason to rush though it, since the difference of a few months in the SEO world is really nothing. Before executing any SEO work, it’s in your best interest to do the following 3 things:

Learn about SEO

SEO isn’t this mystical thing that some website owners make it out to be. And it’s certainly nothing to be feared. It’s not even hard, it’s just time consuming. No matter how you plan to execute your SEO campaign (in-house, outsourced to a firm, working with a consultant, or a combination of the 3), it’s in your best interest to learn the ins and outs of the industry. This knowledge will help you create a viable strategy in-house or help you select the right SEO provider to work with. Google’s SEO Starter Guide is a great place to start for SEO newbies.

Determine what your budget is

There’s all this talk about SEO being free. Unfortunately, that’s just not true. Sure, you’re not paying Google directly to be listed in the organic search results (as you would be to be listed in the paid search results), but it takes time and skill to succeed at SEO, and neither of those things are free! Determine how much you are able to spend on SEO services and avoid anything cheap or that seems too good to be true. Cheap SEO services are just that – cheap! They aren’t going to help your site and will probably hurt it. If you don’t actively have the budget to hire someone in-house or outsource to an agency, your next best bet is to hire a consultant and set aside some time working on the basics on your own.

Update your website

SEO works to support a website and make it appear in the organic search results for relevant keyword searches. But while clicks to your website are great, conversions are even better. You’re essentially wasting money on SEO if people are landing on your website but not taking any action. Before launching an SEO campaign, now is the time to update and clean up your website. Improve the usability, make it mobile friendly, and set it up for conversions. Hire a web designer that understands SEO. You might not need a whole new website, but even a few tweaks to an existing website can be helpful.

It’s in your best interest to do these 3 things before doing any actual SEO work. SEO is an industry where proper planning pays off in the long run.