Forget What You’ve Learned About SEO and Blog Writing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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While SEO and blog writing are connected, you’ve probably learned some things along the way that simply aren’t correct. Blogging is an important part of a search engine optimization campaign. Blog posts are a crucial part of gaining backlinks, ranking in searches, and driving organic traffic to your website, which help earn your website SEO trust.

There is a lot of advice about blogging for SEO. Some of it is great and has stood the test of time, while other advice is more myth.

Here are some ideas you may have learned about SEO and blog writing that are more myth than fact:

“Quality over Quantity”

This is a term you’ve likely heard in a number of circumstances. Quality is important. You want to put your best foot forward when writing blog posts. You should always double check grammar, spelling, and sources. This is a given. But quantity matters as well. You can put out a wonderfully written blog post that runs 1,000 words long once a month, but is that enough to keep your visitors engaged? Readers of your blog are coming to you for a reason. They like the content you provide and get something out of it. Consistent posting will also help you rank in searches. This doesn’t mean you need to post a new blog daily. Try for once or twice a week.

Longer blog posts are better blog posts

There’s no rule about how long a blog post has to be. Assuming longer is better is a myth. People these days are busy and might not have the time to read a 900-1,000-word blog post. 900-word blog posts might be too wordy, especially if the writer is adding words just to make it a longer piece. If you can say what needs to be said in 500 words, do that. While research does point toward long-form blog posts attracting more organic traffic, this doesn’t mean you should stretch pieces out for that purpose. Do what is right for the blog post individually. One week you might write a piece that requires more than 1,000 words and the next you might cover a topic that only requires 550.

Blog posts should be keyword focused

Keywords are important, especially for search engine optimization. It is a myth that every blog post should be keyword focused. Search engines don’t need as much help as they once did, so you don’t need to keyword stuff every blog post. In fact, in many circumstances that may backfire on you. You may be penalized for keyword stuffing, undoing the hard work you’ve done to create blog posts that attract visitors. Use keywords appropriately where they naturally fit and this will benefit your SEO campaign.

Every blog post should promote your offers

As a business, you want to promote what your business has to offer. Your blog posts should be more than though. If you write every blog post with the intention of promoting your offers, your readers will quickly catch on and be turned off from returning. Sometimes, your blog posts will naturally be a lead-up to something your business offers. Other times, your blog posts will be something that educates and informs your readers to make their life better.

Now that we have debunked a few of SEO blog writing myths, you can go forward with writing blog posts that interest both you and your readers.