Seasonal Digital Strategic Advice

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It can be tempting during off-season times to want to spend extra money on extra ad campaigns. Every season and every holiday is different for different brands and companies, depending on your products and services. Learning to effectively implement seasonal marketing is important to your overall success.

Here is some seasonal digital marketing strategic advice that can help:

Know Your Strongest Seasons

Instead of focusing heavily on digital strategies during off-season periods, focus on when your brand or company thrives. These are the seasons you want to invest your ad budget in, which will drive more traffic to your site and increase sales. If your product or service has an off-season, throwing more money into marketing during that time won’t make it any more in-season. It’s more important to increase sales when there is demand for what you offer. These increased sales can give you a cushion that is helpful during the off-season when sales aren’t as high.

Handling Off-Season Social Media

Social media is always beneficial to brands and companies, but during the off-season this can be especially true. You don’t want to disappear from people’s feeds simply because it’s not your hot season. It’s even more important to keep yourself in front of their eyes at this time. When your strong seasons come around again, they will know to come to you for what they need.

Continue creating and posting high-quality, valuable content for your followers and your brand awareness will remain strong. You can also spend the off-season creating ebooks, white papers, videos, and podcasts to keep your brand and company front of mind. Social media marketing during the off-season allows you to engage and connect with your audience. This engagement could improve sales in the future.

Grow Your Customer Base

The peak season is busy and this might not allow you a lot of time to grow your customer base. During the off-season, you can collect a list of past customers and potential customers who have shown interest in your product or service. The off-season allows you time to connect with your audience not only through social media, but by email marketing. Email marketing has the benefit of converting these leads into customers when peak season comes around again.

Some tips for effective email marketing:

  • Personalize emails
  • Use attention-getting, but not over-the-top subject lines
  • Keep sentences and paragraphs short
  • Include a call-to-action
  • Put the reader first instead of talking about your brand non-stop
  • Be mobile-friendly

Create Great Content

You’re creating high-quality content year round, but you may feel like the off-season gives you a little rest from this activity. Think of it the other way around. During the off-season, you want to continue putting yourself in front of people’s eyes. As mentioned, social media is a good way to do this. Consistently offering content of value will remind customers of who you are and what you have to offer that will benefit their lives. You can continue to generate hype for when peak season comes around again. It’s during the off-season that you can offer early-bird specials, discounts, and other fun promotions that will keep people interested.

It’s normal to want to create peak season success during off-season times, but it’s not always a feasible goal. Fortunately, there are things you can do during the off-season to keep your brand or company in people’s awareness and will benefit the peak season times. Instead of trying to replicate the peak season, use the off-season to your advantage.