Boost Your Sales Cycle with Fractional Marketing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to creating content for a B2B, it is important to understand that it is more than just words on a page that relate to your industry and specialty. Putting together a content marketing program needs to be more intentional than that.

One of the ways it can help is by connecting with your audience, and to do that, you need to be conscious of the sales cycle. Every person who comes to your business is it at some phase of the sales cycle. This means that everything should align. The best way to do this is to work with a Fractional marketer, who will oversee the whole process. Here’s more information on how a Fractional Marketer can help:

Oversee the Strategy

One of the things that’s important with boosting the sales cycle is that the strategy needs to be in total alignment with the company as a whole. This means that all parts of the company need to be aware of their role and play their part. It’s the Factional CMO that is going to oversee the whole process of this. They will also need to likely create the strategy.

They can quickly analyze the existing sales pipeline, identify any gaps that need to be filled, and determine the strategic changes that need to be made in order to optimize your company’s efforts in the sales cycle. After analyzing all the data and determining the sales objectives, that’s a good time to make any strategic tweaks. For there, the Fractional can monitor progress.

Align the Efforts of Sales and Marketing

One of the things that’s so important about the work of a Fractional when it comes to boosting the sales cycle, is that the two departments in the company that need to be aligned are sales and marketing. The Fractional can help bridge the gap between sales and marketing and ensure that the two departments work well together. This is more than just communicating, though. This has to do to making sure that the efforts of both align. Here’s a glimpse at how things could look:

  • Lead Generation. Marketing’s efforts could generate leads, especially from the website. Sales could check into the leads and work to convert them into sales.
  • Content Creation. Sales could inform marketing on some hot topics they are seeing concerning what types of information prospects need to see. Marketing could write the content and sales could share it with prospects.
  • Inform on the Cycle. Sales could inform marketing on what a prospect looks like at each phase of the sales cycle. This could inform marketing on information that could be helpful when putting together content.

A Fractional Marketer Could Bridge the Gap

As you can see, sales and marketing could do a lot to help each other when it comes to bolstering the sales cycle. The Fractional Marketer could oversee the process and make sure that all components of the company work well together. From there, it’s about creating, implementing, and organizing the strategy.

Someone needs to oversee these efforts. Without leadership, it’s hard to maximize the efforts of those who are working with the sales cycle.