The Role of the Fractional CMO

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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You’ve noticed that your business is stagnating despite your hard-working and knowledgeable in-house marketing team. Stagnation can be caused by inability to attract customers, specifically your target audience, ineffective business strategies, and even lack of money. In a situation like this where your business should be growing, but seems to be stagnating, hiring a fractional CMO can help you to find weaknesses and revamp your digital marketing efforts and lead your marketing team to success.

If your company doesn’t have a Chief Marketing Officer, it might be time to consider hiring a fractional CMO to get things in order. A fractional CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) is a marketing executive who can benefit your marketing team on a part-time basis.

Here are a few ways in which a fractional CMO can end the stagnation and encourage business growth:

Delegate Tasks

When your business growth is stagnating, it may be because your in-house marketing team is overwhelmed and lacking direction. If your team doesn’t have clearly defined roles for each member, this can make their job more difficult. A fractional CMO can help. Some signs that your team might be overwhelmed include:

• Missed deadlines
• Missed opportunities
• Communication issues
• No set goals or unachieved goals

A fractional CMO will come in and help your in-house marketing team to not only help develop their skills, but outline defined roles for each member. A fractional CMO can help your team create common goals that they are all working toward instead of everyone going in their own direction, which leaves them and the business scattered.

Manage Branding

For consistent business growth, you need to have strong branding. A fractional CMO can work together with your in-house marketing team to create clear branding and a strategy that everyone understands. Without a strong branding strategy, your in-house team will be working toward different goals and therefore hindering the business’ growth and success. A strong branding strategy will help you to provide your customers with a sense of recognition and security. They will know they can trust your company’s services and products. A fractional CMO will work with your team to create a cohesive brand message that they can effectively communicate to your target audience.

Offer a Fresh Perspective

If your business is stagnating, it can be difficult to pinpoint why because you are so close to your business. A fractional CMO will come in with no attachment to your business and be able to see things that you aren’t. They will be able to spot any weaknesses in your strategy and point you in the right direction. This objective look at your business can help to jumpstart your business’ growth once again. A fractional CMO can benefit all businesses by keeping them from getting stuck in their old ways, even when things aren’t progressing as they should. A fresh perspective can make all the difference to your business success.

If your business growth has plateaued, hiring a fractional CMO is just the thing you need to get it going again. For all the knowledge at a part-time cost, you can’t go wrong.