ROI for Digital Marketing Takes Time

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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The purpose of digital marketing is to get the word out about your business and to help it grow. What this looks like differs for every client. It also is difficult to predict how long it will take to see results. At the end of the day, no matter what the strategy is, we can’t make anyone act any faster than they are already willing to.

In other words, results from digital marketing take time, and there really isn’t anything you can do to speed things up. Here’s more information about this:

Every Business Has an Optimum Digital Marketing Strategy

Most people who have been working in business, and especially marketing, for a while know that there is a sweet spot to consider. Each business has its ideal strategy and one that will optimize the effort that is put in. Once the strategy os underway, it’s a waiting game. You just have to put in the effort and wait for it to work.

Once the sweet spot is reached, it doesn’t matter how much more you do. You still have to wait. More effort doesn’t necessarily mean quicker results. You can’t go any faster than you target audience is willing to go.

Consider the Sales Cycle of Each Business

Digital marketing is closely tied to sales. How long is your sales cycle? How long does it take for someone to convert from a visitor to a lead to a paying customer? If you don’t consider the sales cycle’s length, you could have unrealistic explanations of when you’ll get business from your efforts.

The truth is, if your sales cycle is along, say six months or a year or more, then you shouldn’t expect to get business right away once you start working your digital marketing strategy. It will take a while.

It Takes Time to Hone and Refine

Once you start your digital marketing, there is no guarantee that you won’t have to wait further to make adjustments that will optimize results. The truth is, once you begin, that’s really just your best guess as to whether or not you’ve hit your sweet spot with the strategy. The issue is, you won’t know if you have to adjust anything until at least six months or so have passed. Then, once you make a change, you need to give it more time to see if the change was good or not.

This is why we say that digital marketing is a long term effort. It can take over a year or more to hit the sweet spot. By the time you decide on an initial strategy and adjust things to optimize the program, a lot of time could have elapsed.

We have found that in order to optimize results, it is best to take the slow and steady approach. This gives you the best chance possible to find your best strategy. You can’t rush it. This won’t make a difference in your results, and it can actually do more harm than good.

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