Make Sure You Retain Control of Your Digital Assets

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to digital marketing, there are several digital assets that you may have that are part of your campaign. This is especially true for your website (or websites) and social media accounts, which are likely going to be your main assets.

Before working with a digital marketing agency, you may not have given it much thought who at your company has control of these assets. You entrust people to manage your social media pages, for example, and they might make themselves admin of your page. In fact, they might be the only admin of your page.

What happens if they are no longer with the company, and they break their connection with your social media page? What happens if they were the only admin? The answer is, you have no lost control of your digital asset.

It’s a frustrating situation and one that we have helped clients solve in the past. You definitely don’t want to lose control of your digital assets! Here’s more information:

Social Media

It is a huge mistake to entrust an employee with the task of managing any of your social media accounts. This is especially true for Facebook and Linkedin, since both of those social networks only allow you to start a company page if you also have a personal page.

For Twitter, another popular social network for businesses, this isn’t the case. However, it is still possible to lose control of this page if your company’s email wasn’t used to set up the account. If you don’t have access to the email address associated with the account, you can lose control of the account.

Once you lose control of Facebook or Twitter, you can actually just create a new page and start from scratch. However, you will lose all of your momentum if you are forced to do that. It’s better to maintain control of your accounts in the first place.

Make sure that you not only know the login information for all your social media accounts, but that you haven’t given an employee sole control of your social media. Several people at your company should have admin access, and this includes top leadership and the owners. You should also make sure to always maintain control of the email addresses associated with the accounts.


There are a lot of logins associated with a website. You need the logins for your FTP account, for your host, and also for the website software. What happens if you entrust this information to someone? What happens if that individual is no longer associated with your company?

We have seen it happen that companies may hire a developer to keep track of this. They decide to take the task in-house. Once the in-house team starts working on it, they may have a difficult time tracking down all the login information. Or worse, too many people could have access to your website information.

The bottom line is that you need to always maintain control of email addresses associated with all of these logins. You should also fully understand the name of your hosting company, how your website is built, the login information for your website, etc. If you ever need to, knowing this information will enable you to to always maintain control of your asset.

Always stay in the loop when it comes to understanding the information associated with your digital assets. You always want to maintain control of this information so that you don’t have issues down the line with access.