Make Sure Your SEO Goals Are Realistic

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When starting a digital marketing campaign, it’s a natural impulse to want to see results right away. Some strategies within digital marketing yield quicker results than others, as is the case for something like pay per click advertising. Other digital marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization, take a lot longer to really get going. That is why both your goals and expectations need to be realistic when it comes to SEO.

There is a fine line between setting goals that are achievable and having unrealistic expectations. Here’s more information about this:

Traffic Isn’t a Good Benchmark

Although the goal of any good SEO campaign is to increase traffic, focusing on the traffic numbers alone isn’t quite enough. The traffic has to be highly targeted in order to be effective. Increasing the numbers just for the sake of it won’t necessarily bring in more business. It has to be the right traffic. So, while traffic could show signs of life that a campaign is working, that is about the only good it does. If the new traffic also brings with it an increase in conversions, you’ll know that what you’re attracting is of a high quality.

Knowing this, it is unrealistic to have certain expectations about how quickly traffic will increase. First of all, more traffic isn’t always better. Second, it is somewhat unpredictable how long it will take for the campaign to start working. Set your expectations on the conservative end and make sure your goals are in line with those expectations. Otherwise, you will set yourself up for disappointment.

More Content Isn’t Always Better

While it is true that content is an important part of SEO, that doesn’t mean the more pieces of content you publish on the website, the better off you’ll be. Coming up with a great content marketing strategy that balances your business goals and goes along with an SEO program is a crucial step. There is an art to coming up with a great plan, and publishing new content at a steady rate is also important. However, this is where it gets tricky. More content isn’t necessarily better. You need to make sure that you are publishing content that your audience will find useful.

Let’s assume that you are publishing content at a steady rate. It would be unrealistic to assume that you will immediately attract new people from the search engines. In fact, if you are just publishing new content for the search engines alone, this misses the point. The goal here is to make sure that you are publishing just the right amount of content and that you take into account the needs of both your visitors and the search engines.

When it comes to SEO, you need to make sure you have realistic goals. Elements of the campaign, such as content marketing, are best assessed over the long term. The same is true for your traffic. It is a good idea to always have realistic expectations!