Top Qualifications for a Fractional CMO

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Do you need to hire a Fractional CMO to oversee your marketing efforts? Well, you may notice that there are a lot of choices out there. How do you find one that is a good fit for your business? The answer is, it could take some research to determine which is a best fit. Aside from simply liking their personality, which is definitely an important factor, you should also think about their qualifications.

Here’s a look at some of the top items to take notice of that will determine if you should work with a particular Fractional CMO or not.

Experience Level

One of the most important qualifications to consider is the experience level of the Fractional CMO. How long have they been working in marketing? You want to find a Fractional CMO who has a lot of experience working in marketing at a high level. They need to show they can handle working with your business as an expert.

If they don’t have the years of experience, they won’t do as good of a job for you. The more experience they have, the better. This means that they’ve spent a lot of time helping a lot of different companies, and they will do a great job for you, as well.

Strategic Understanding

Does the Fractional CMO show they have a high-level, conceptual understanding of strategy? Have they demonstrated that they have extensive strategic experience? Simply having experience in marketing isn’t quite enough. Experience could mean a variety of things, and not all of them will be relevant to a Fractional CMO.

The Fractional CMO should be able to demonstrate their level of understanding on a strategic level, as well. They need to show that they can think at a high level because it will increase the chances that they will create a great strategy for you. You can usually determine how good they are at strategic work in the way they talk. If they frequently move into the big picture, if they can look at data and make connections that will help your marketing, this is a sign you have an excellent strategist in your corner.

Track Record

When you look at the Fractional CMO’s marketing career, are you able to see the impact they’ve made on the companies they’ve worked with? Because of privacy considerations, you may not get a lot of specific information from them about who they’ve worked with and the details of their success level.

So, if you can’t find these details, it shouldn’t matter. You should still get a feel, at least in a general way, of their track record of success. If you really listen to what they are saying, they will give you clues as to their track record and experience level. They should be able to demonstrate a level of expertise that will be obvious in the way that they are talking. They should also be able to disclose some information about their results, even if they don’t go into specifics.

When looking for a Fractional CMO, you ultimately want to find someone who has demonstrated an appropriate skillset that will help your business thrive.