Should You Use a Proprietary CMS?

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to creating a website for your business or brand, there are two basic options. You could opt to use an open source content management system, such as WordPress, or you could customize a CMS exclusively for your business. There are some definite pros and cons to using each of these options. Are you wondering if you should use an open source CMS or a proprietary one? Here are some things to keep in mind:

Open Source CMS’s Have More Options

Open source platforms like WordPress are widely use and there are plenty of developers who create unique themes and plugins to suit just about every need. There are also plenty of free solutions so other than buying a domain and hosting package, you don’t need to incur a lot of expenses to get a nice website set up. On the other hand, it can be extremely costly to build a website using a proprietary CMS. These platforms are usually built and maintained by the same companies, but the costs can add up, especially in the initial construction phase.

Proprietary CMS’s Could Be More Secure

One of the biggest issues with open source platforms is that they might not be as secure as proprietary ones. The biggest reason for this is that multiple people are able to access the code for a theme or plugin, which means that when a website uses them, they are at risk for being hacked. There are plenty of strategies that can be used in order to make an open source website more secure. However, proprietary platforms have an advantage in this department since there are fewer people who have access to the code structure for the website.

Easier to Find a Developer for Open Source

Proprietary platforms are usually built by an individual company and as a result of that, it is usually the members of the company that make updates and changes to the site. Although most developers have the technical knowledge to get up to speed with a platform, it really isn’t worth the hassle. It is best to have the company who built the site make the necessary updates and changes.

This is somewhat limiting because if you wanted a fresh perspective or wanted to cut ties with the company, it would be difficult to find a developer who could take it on. With open source platforms, this isn’t an issue because there are more people who are able to do the work.

Proprietary Platforms May Be Slow to Change

A large benefit with using an open source platform is that they easily adapt to changes and trends online. With proprietary platforms, change doesn’t always come easy since it takes considerable resources to implement these changes. Open source platforms, on the other hand, adapt with the trends as they occur with very little lag time.

Are you wondering if you should use an open source CMS or a proprietary one? There is no right or wrong answer, but there are pros and cons to each. The goal would be for each business to find the option that best suits their needs.