How to Prepare for an SEO Campaign

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Are you new to SEO? Or maybe you’ve been out of the game for awhile and are looking to re-start? If that’s the case, you might be wondering what the first steps are and how you can prepare yourself for an SEO campaign. Here are 5 of the most important steps to take:

Research SEO

It’s in your best interest to familiarize yourself with the basics of SEO before jumping right into a campaign. There’s a lot of bad information out there about what SEO is, what it isn’t, and what it actually takes to increase organic search traffic over time. There are hundreds if not thousands of SEO blogs out there, so your best bet is to head straight to the source and learn from Google. Start with their Starter Guide. This will set you up with the information you need to move forward with a campaign.

Determine who will run it

If you take the time to really learn SEO, it certainly isn’t rocket science and many of the basic elements you can handle yourself. However, if done properly, SEO is time consuming. If you can’t do it yourself or don’t have the help in house, outsourcing is a great option. Google also has a great video that explains how to look for a respectable SEO firm or consultant.

Update your website

OK, so you’ve decided to invest in SEO- but what about the website that the SEO is going to be supporting? Does it need any help? SEO will drive traffic to your website but website visitors are only going to convert if they have a good experience once they get there. If you think that your website is outdated or isn’t user friendly (not mobile friendly, doesn’t have an easy to use navigation, etc.), now is the time to fix those things in order to get the most out of your SEO investment. In addition, be sure to add a blog to the website if it doesn’t already exist, since blogging is a key component of SEO.

Claim/update social media profiles

Social media and SEO results aren’t directly correlated, but social media and SEO together help to build and reinforce a brand online. If your social media profiles haven’t been touched in years, take the time to update them and start posting to gain followers. Once your SEO program gets underway, you’ll be sharing all of your SEO blog post content here.

Set up Google tools

Set up Google Analytics and Google Search Console ASAP. These free tools from Google will help you monitor the success of your SEO campaign over time and let you know if Google sees any potential problems with your website or SEO approach. In Google Analytics, set up conversion tracking in order to track SEO generated website sales or leads. Organic traffic is great, but ultimately these visitors should be converting, too.

By taking the time to properly prepare for an SEO campaign, you’re setting yourself up for success. It lays the foundation for the entire campaign.