PPC Testing Makes Sense Most of the Time

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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PPC, or pay-per-click, is a commonly used model of digital advertising. When deciding to add PPC advertising to your digital marketing strategy, the key to making it a successful foundation is to implement PPC testing. PPC testing is a good way to determine where cracks may be that you can fix and which campaigns seem to be working better than others. Here’s more to think about when it comes to PPC testing:

PPC Testing Methods

Your first step will be to decide on a testing method for your PPC. Choosing your testing method will depend on the data you have as well as the variables that you want to test. A/B testing works best for target keywords. Keywords and phrases are important as they can make or break your success. You want to use keywords that will convert. Scheduled A/B testing works best in this scenario as they can be run sequentially instead of simultaneously, which helps to prevent campaigns from overlapping. A/B testing can also be done for ad format. This allows you to create multiple headlines and descriptions to a single ad, which are then tested in various combinations to see which one performs the best.

Before/after tests for PPC help you to compare the dynamics of your control and experimental groups. This is a testing method that is best used for testing product names, descriptions of products, images of the products, and their pricing.

A third type of testing that you can use is drafts and experiments, which offers the most variation of all testing methods. This method can help you to test advertisements and landing pages to determine how you can adjust the features of your ads, such as extensions. Drafts gives you the ability to create duplicate ads with slight adjustments to each to determine which performs better. Experiments helps you to analyze ad performance and the adjustments you make before actually implementing them into your campaign.

Benefits of Investing in PPC Testing

When you have a business, product, or service that you want to promote, you want to get the most out of your time and money. PPC testing will ensure that the campaigns you run are going to be the most successful. The best way to do this is to create multiple versions of the same ads. By running PPC campaigns that perform the best during testing, you will increase your conversion rate because you know these specific campaigns are responded to well by your target audience. More people will click on these ads.

Not only will they click on ads, they will answer a call to action, such as filling out a form, signing up for your newsletter, or purchasing a service or product. PPC testing can also help to lower your overall bounce rate. A high bounce rate can indicate that your ads aren’t appealing to your target audience or your landing page is not as optimized as it could be for conversions. Even though you get paid whenever someone clicks on your ad, you do want people to stay on your website, explore, and eventually make a purchase.

When to Avoid Running PPC Tests

PPC testing is a valuable tool, but there are times when it won’t make sense. For example, you don’t want to run too many tests at once, especially if you have a budget. This can cut into your ROI, which is the exact opposite of what you want. If your business sells seasonal products, you need to time your PPC testing accordingly. If you sell Christmas items, for example, running PPC tests during summer won’t give you any valuable information because people aren’t interested in those items yet.

You want PPC campaigns that will benefit your business long-term. Testing can help you to choose the right ones that will drive traffic to your website and improve your ROI.