Do you Really Need to Optimize Your Content for SEO?

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Search engines are in the business of making sure that returned results best match search queries. In order to make sure that your website is amongst those search results, it is a good idea to follow a solid SEO program. Content is an essential piece of a solid SEO plan because it gives the search engines more chances to display your website in the top results for queries. Yet, some don’t spend a lot of time optimizing the content for SEO. Is it really necessary to optimize your website’s content for the search engines?

SEO Helps You Find Qualified Traffic

It is important that your website’s content provides a lot of value to your target customer base. Will your visitors and potential clients or customers find your content helpful? This should be your number one priority. After that, optimizing content for SEO will help connect the right people with your content via the search engines. Highly specific, tailored content with an emphasis on quality brings in quality leads. These leads are driven to your site by SEO-optimized content and they stay on your site because the content delivers what is promised.

Once the qualified website visitor is connected with your content and clicks through to a site, they will then perform other activities, such as sign up for your newsletter, read more content on the site, and eventually get in touch. This information helps your marketers nurture leads but also helps your digital marketing team refine site content in order to garner even more leads, thus increasing your marketing ROI.

Diversify the Marketing Program With Content

Driving traffic from multiple sources is a key benefit of employing a diversified marketing program. You can diversity your firm’s marketing program by putting a few best practices into place.

  • Make content shareable
  • Develop content that appeals to all stages of the sales funnel
  • Encourage site interaction through the use of online communication tools and multi-media content options

Potential clients tend to have very specific questions regarding tools and services. They are also seeking information based on their current position in the sales funnel. Creating a site with multiple pages, each specifically targeting one segment of the funnel, will appeal to search engines. The site’s content is organized, clear and easily differentiated into separate elements based on search queries. Well written content contributes to improved lead quality because individuals actively seeking to close on a deal will end up on the right page with the right call to action.

Optimized Content Improves Branding

Search engine users no longer type in combinations of keywords or phrases to find the information they need. Users can enter something as specific and subjective as “What are some good Thai restaurants near me?” and the search engine will provide a map of their current location, options, restaurant hours, prices and reviews. The sites that rise to the top are the ones that provide specific pieces of up-to-date information.

Whether your organization is a restaurant, a landscaping business, a software development company or a law firm, SEO optimized content will place your homepage on a future client’s screen. Organic placement is an assurance that your organization is a high-quality brand with authority in the field.

Overall, SEO optimized content establishes a relationship with clients and future clients. Content strategies that combine evergreen material with updated and relevant information appeal to clients regardless of their stage in the sales funnel. It also assures them that your organization is looking for longterm growth and commitment through every stage of the sales relationship.