How to Give Old Posts New Life

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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New Content Text written on notebook pageWhen creating content for your marketing campaign, you may reach a point when you feel like every topic has been covered. It happens all the time. The problem is, that in order to keep your site fresh, you need to keep churning out new content so that your visitors will have something new to read. How can you do this if you’re completely out of ideas? Well, you can actually recycle old content as a way to give new life to old posts and to help put your older content in front of new readers. Here are some ideas on how to keep your older posts in front of readers:

Write Evergreen Content

Yes, it’s definitely important to share industry news. Even though this type of content may be important to your readers, it could get outdated rather quickly. Making your content evergreen, however, solves this problem completely. These articles will never get outdated, which means your customers will always find value in them.

Keep Sharing Old Posts on Social

Even if a post is no longer on the home page of your site, that doesn’t mean you need to stop sharing it on social media. In fact, this is exactly what you should do in order to put older content in front of new people. You may want to consider removing the dates on your posts so that people won’t think the content is irrelevant.

Give Your Older Articles an Update

Just before you share your content on social, you’ll want to update anything that’s outdated. Even if an article was intended to be “evergreen”, there could still be information in the post that’s no longer relevant. Before sharing an older article, it’s important to tweak anything that needs it.

Consider Rewriting the Article

In some cases, a post may need a major overhaul. If this is the case, you may want to consider writing a different article entirely with a different spin as well as the new, updated information. This is a great way to make sure no content goes to waste. However, if much of it is outdated, rewriting it could be just the thing!

Link Any New Posts

If you did go ahead and rewrite an older post into a completely new article, be sure to link the new article to the older one. However, it is important to make sure that the topics are related to each other.

Write Roundup Posts

This is a great way to recycle old content without making it obvious. By creating a roundup post featuring several articles, most of your content is already written for you. For example, this tactic is used constantly on recipe websites. Rather than write multiple recipes for chocolate cake, the original recipe can be included in roundup posts whenever it’s relevant to do so.

You don’t need to let old content go to waste! These strategies will help make it useful for years after it was written.