Don’t Forget Off Page SEO!

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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While it’s true that great content is the lifeblood of your SEO campaign, it’s all too easy to spend the majority of your time on that. However, off page SEO shouldn’t be ignored, either. Both strategies work together to give your site its best chance to be successful.

In the old days of SEO, off page SEO tactics were very successful at improving search engine rankings and increasing the success of your site. This is still true. However, the updates have changed the strategies drastically. Back then, for example, generating as many backlinks as possible was something that actually worked! Now, it’s the quality of the backlink that matters. Here’s an overview.

Stay Current With Search Engine Guidelines

Don't Forget Off Page SEOSo, what’s considered “best practice” for off page SEO right now? Essentially, these are strategies that careful apply Google’s guidelines for what they consider to be the best approach. Remember that the search engines are in the business of making sure the search results are as high quality as possible. By following their guidelines, you give your site its best chance at success. Staying current with what they consider to be the best strategies will help our site stay successful.

Be Sure to Write Excellent Content That’s Shareable

Ultimately, you want to make sure that your site has a lot of content that is worthy of sharing. Though it’s hard to predict what types of content will “go viral” in today’s online world, by making sure you thoroughly cover whichever topic you’re writing about, you’ll create content that people will not only want to read, but will be eager to share with their friends. Once you do that, you increase the likelihood that people online will share your content on twitter or link to it from their own websites. This is how links coming into your site are built up over time in a meaningful way.

Attracting the Right People to Your Site

Ultimately, you want to show the search engines that your site attracts the right people. So after you write and post content that people will want to share, your next step is to sit back and wait for people to share it. However, there are some things you can do that will speed up this process. This includes sharing on social networking sites, using certain social bookmarking sites, and leaving meaningful comments on relevant industry blogs. You can also write and distribute press releases whenever your business has something worthy to share and submit guest posts to prominent industry sites. Your main goal is to get positive exposure for your brand.

Your ultimate goal with your site is to build a level of trust between you and your customers. If you spend too much time on your on page SEO, you run the risk of making your site seem spammy. By spending time on off page SEO, you show people that your business is relevant and has a lot of great insights to share with people in your industry. It attractions the right kind of attention which will get you noticed by the search engines.