Ways to Maximize Your Content Marketing Potential

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It’s one thing to be “doing” content marketing. Nearly every business today can say they are “doing” content marketing to some extent. It’s another thing to have a strategic content marketing plan and to be taking advantage of all of the resources and outlets available to you in order to maximize your content marketing efforts. A good content marketing plan is more than writing and posting blog posts when you can find the time. In order to get anything out of your content marketing efforts you need to be smart about it.

Ways to Maximize Your Content Marketing Potential

Here are 4 ways to maximize your content marketing potential:

Remember SEO

The content that you create should be written/produced for your target audience. Fulfilling their needs is the top priority, always. However, it’s worthwhile to keep in mind that there is always a secondary audience for your content and that’s the search engine. Once you’ve finished a first draft, go back and take a look and keep an eye out for any potential SEO additions. Can you add a keyword or keyword phrase without it looking spammy or forced? If so, do it. If not, don’t. The SEO needs to be as natural as possible.

Share in social media
The majority of your thought leadership content should be published on your business website. After all, that’s where you want to drive traffic so that prospects can learn more about what you have to offer and potentially convert. A blog on the company site is usually the hub of all content efforts. However, posting the content there is just the first step. Once it’s published you need to actively promote it. Perhaps the best place to do so today is via social media channels. It’s expected that businesses have a social media presence today. Build up your social channels and share all content with your followers, who are essentially a built in audience. Consider paying to promote your best content in social media, to guarantee that it’s being seen.

Look for other content publishing opportunities
Getting content published on your website is the top priority if your content marketing time/resources are limited. However, if you find that you are able to do so, it’s worthwhile to seek out additional opportunities. If you notice that your favorite industry blogs accept posts from guest authors, get in touch and submit a proposal. This is a great way to improve brand awareness. Include a link over to your site to generate traffic from your efforts, but be sure to “nofollow” the link to make sure the search engines know that the link isn’t an attempt to manipulate your search ranking.

Keep it up
So many companies develop a blogging/content strategy with the best of intentions only to leave the blog sitting lifeless within a few months’ time. Don’t do that! Content marketing has the biggest impact when the campaign is ongoing. Prospects become accustomed to receiving your insights and ideas and this keeps your brand top of mind for when it’s time to buy. Invest in content marketing and ensure that writers have the resources that they need to get the job done and to do it well.