Earn Natural Links and Reap the SEO Rewards

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Your business website benefits from having inbound links. These are links from other websites that will bring users to your website. When it comes to search engine ranking, this is the top criteria especially for Google search. When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), having natural links is a safe, fast, and generally great way to promote a website. Natural links let you and others know that you are a trusted source with good content that people want to share.

How can you increase your odds of earning natural links? There are a number of ways a website creator and business owner can earn more natural links. Here are a few:

  • Design a website that is appealing and easy to navigate: User experience plays an important role in determining the amount of natural links your website can earn. If a visitor or customer has a good experience with your website and wants to recommend content, a product, or service to others, they are more likely to link to your website if it was a good experience. What makes a good experience for a user? A website that loads fast is always appealing. People are busy and don’t want to wait around for slow pages to load. Making your website mobile-friendly is also a bonus as so many people surf the web and do their own website work while on the go.
  • Publish content people want to share: Content that serves a purpose and is useful is the type of content that will be shared. Quality content should be more important than the quantity of content. If you have a lot of content, but it is not being shared, it’s time to ask yourself if your content is as good as it could be. Offer visitors something new and helpful. You can also consider adding video or audio content in addition to your written content. An ebook may also bring you more natural links.
  • Know your target audience: when you have your target audience narrowed down, it becomes easier to tailor your content to them. Do some additional research by finding out other websites that your target audience enjoys and see what they have to offer that you might not be offering yet. This may be content, a service, a new product, or a special offer if they sign up for something.
  • Have social media profiles: Social media makes it easy for people to like and share your content. To help get the ball rolling, follow accounts that are similar to yours and share their content. They may reciprocate and do the same for you. You will not only build a relationship with other companies, but also other users and customers. Social media accounts are a good way to interact with followers.

Natural links are beneficial as they contribute to your search engine optimization campaign. Ranking high in search engine results will give users an opportunity to see your website and visit it. Ranking high means that you are a trusted source.