Link Portfolio and Highly Trafficked Websites

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It is no secret that everyone who runs a website would like for it to be highly trafficked. Everything that we do, from writing content on a regular basis to posting on social media, is designed to attract people to the site. Once they visit the site, they will enjoy your content, get to know your brand, and take action if they really like what they see.

Also, if they like what they see, they will link to your brand. These are the types of links that can really add value to your website. However, not all the links in your link portfolio are good, some are harmful. Unfortunately, as your website attracts more traffic, this also will attract harmful links at a greater rate. Here’s more information about this:

Constantly Check Your Link Portfolio

No matter how much traffic your website gets, you should take measures to watch over your link portfolio on a regular basis. While this won’t necessarily stop the bad links from coming to your website, this could help you find ways to quickly take action. You can either use a third party service to help you find the right links, or use Google’s Webmaster Tools to help you keep a wash over the links that come in.

We’ve had clients who spent years neglecting their link portfolios. Once they come to us, some of us have had hundreds, if not thousands, of bad links. Once it gets to this state, it is very difficult to clean things up and it takes some time. It is much better for your website if you find out if the links are bad on a regular, gradual basis.

Taking Action When You Find Bad Links

So, what can you do once you find a bad link? You have a few choices. First, you can contact the originating website and request that they stop linking to you. This is not necessarily a lesson in futility, sometimes this pursuit can yield good results. The downside is that this is time consuming.

Another thing that you an do is disavow any bad link you find through the Google Search Console. Although this isn’t a guarantee, this at least will tell Google that you didn’t attract and don’t support these low quality links in any way.

It is also important not to ignore your link building efforts. Often, link portfolios can get out of hand if tending to the links has been neglecting. It should always be part of your strategy to attract healthy links. As time goes on, a combination of these strategies could help you attract the right kind of links.

Finding ways to attract traffic to your website is a good thing. However, as your site gains in popularity, this could leave you open to attracting poor links. That is why you should always check the health of your link portfolio. You not only want to attract the right links, but you also need to address the bad links that come about.