Learn to Go With the Flow with Social Media

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to social media, it is easy to spend a lot of time on it, really mapping out what you will say and how you will say it. The truth is, you do have to spend the time on it, and you need to make sure that you have a great strategy in place that reflects your brand and your goals, as well as pleasing your target audience.

However, there is a balance that needs to be attained here. That being said, it is also important to learn to go with the flow when dealing with social media. Things change all the time. What worked for your last year might not work for you this year, for example. Here are some thoughts:

Social Media Strategies Should Evolve

Have you been adhering to the same social media strategy for the past few years? Well, what if your goals are different now? If this is the case, you should examine our social media strategy and potentially overhaul it. Social media can help you achieve your goals, but you need to keep your goals current in order for this to be effective.

There are other reasons where you might want to tweak your social media. Here’s a look at some of them:

  • Overhauling your brand
  • Your audience changed
  • Desire to add different types of posts
  • The old strategy wasn’t effective

Also, keep in mind that your audience wants to see you do different things. The same tactic won’t work for the long term. People develop “social media blindness” where they get so used to seeing your posts, they don’t even read them anymore.

Social Media Isn’t the Only Important Piece of Digital Marketing

As mentioned above, it is important to achieve a balance approach when it comes to social media. Sure, spending the time on social media is important, but it shouldn’t take all of your time. There are other items that need to be tended to, and this might be difficult to hear, but other pieces of digital marketing will likely be bit more important.

For example, if you spend time on social media at the expense of your content marketing, you are missing out on a vitally helpful piece of your digital marketing. It doesn’t matter what your brand is, content should always be your number one priority. If it is getting glossed over, it might be a good idea to change your strategy.

Besides, it is a great thing for a brand to be able to share unique content in social media, and this type of content tends to perform better than re-shared articles from other brands.

It’s true that when it comes to social media, you need to have a great plan in place that is executed well. However, it also pays to stay flexible and admit when you might need to change the strategy a little bit. Your social media should help your business achieve its goals. It should also be done with the bigger picture in mind, and not at the expense of other digital marketing pursuits, such as content marketing.