5 Ways to Get More Website Leads from Organic Traffic

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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The purpose of running an SEO campaign is to increase organic traffic to a website from the search engines. And while an increase in traffic typically results in more leads, it’s important to ensure that your website is set up in a way that makes it easy for website visitors to fill out your lead forms.

It’s all about simplifying the process for them, steering them in the right direction, and not making them think too hard or become frustrated. Seems straightforward, but we see so many missed opportunities when we analyze websites. Here are some of the top ways to get more website leads from the organic search engine traffic that you generate:

Redesign your website

If you’re investing in SEO, it’s a smart idea to also take a good, hard look at your business website. What kind of website are you sending this earned traffic to? If the website design is outdated or it’s not easy to navigate, user friendly, or mobile friendly, a website redesign is a smart idea. A poorly designed or hard to use website can mean that you miss out on the lead, even if your product or service is great. In some cases, a complete redesign isn’t necessary, only a few tweaks might be needed that can really make a difference.

Add a lead form to every page

Sure, maybe you have a lead form on your Contact Us page, but why make your website visitors go looking for it? By having the lead form on every single page, you know that no matter what page a website visitor initially lands on, or where their browsing takes them, they can fill out that form at any time. Again, it’s all about making it really easy to get in touch.

Simplify the lead form

How many lines are there to fill out on the lead form? Really, you don’t need more than three: name, email, phone number. If you ask for too much information up front, it can be a turn off. Some people just don’t like to give out too much information early on. Others just don’t want to spend all of that time filling out a form. Yes, you want to know if they are even a good fit, but you can let your sales reps figure that out during initial conversations.

Inner link to the contact us page

On service and product pages it’s common to include language that says, “Contact us for more information about our XYZ service” or something along those lines. “Contact us” should always link over to the Contact Us page which should have, in addition to a lead form, alternate ways of contacting you.

Incorporate call to actions

Remember, your website is a selling tool and should be designed with a path to conversion in mind. Add call to actions wherever it makes sense to do so.

We aren’t website conversion experts, but we do know that making these website changes will make it easier for visitors to navigate the website and ultimately convert. Yes, website traffic is great. But website traffic that converts is better.