Know Your Customer Journey Before You Create Content

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It’s true that content creation is a big part of marketing for a variety of reasons. It can help with search engine optimization, builds trust with your audience, can help generate leads, helps with search engines, and more. Great content also gives customers a chance to interact with your brand in a positive and productive way. It is for this reason that it helps to know your customer journey before you begin creating content.

Content is the Backbone of Your Marketing

Content is often seen as the backbone of digital marking, simply because it has a variety of uses. Websites are driven by content, and without a website it would be difficult for customers and potential customers to find you. Blogs add even further value because they give brands the opportunity to write a steady stream of meaningful articles that could keep customers and potential customers engaged with your brand. People can find your website through this content via social media, the search engines, by clicking on your URL from an ad, and more. Without content, your website wouldn’t be engaging enough to keep people interested in your brand and what you have to offer.

Getting to Know Your Customer Journey

The customer experience is important to every business. If you get to know exactly what your customer journey is, that means you will know exactly what that means will have a better chance of achieving their goals. The customer journey describes the experience that people will take as they transition from prospects and leads to actual paying customers and clients. There are defined phases to the journey, and each phase will require a slightly different marketing approach. Savvy businesses understand exactly what the journey entails so that they can help facilitate the process. Without a clear picture of the customer experience, it would be hard to gain clarity as to the types of marketing activities that should be focused on for each stage.

Create Content With the Customer Journey in Mind

In order for your content to be the most effective it can be, it really does help to know what your customer journey is. This essentially will help shape the content marketing plan. Without this knowledge, the content would be completely unfocused and may not help you achieve your desired results in your business. For example, if one of the desired results of your customer experience is that they sign up for your email list, you would create content that will help encourage that, such as a free download and maybe some blog articles designed to highlight some of the essential content in the download. If you didn’t know that this was one of your desired results, you may not have realized that you should create content for this purpose.

Some marketing departments make the mistake of creating content for their digital marketing before really mapping out their customer journey. Content creation uses your valuable resources, so it makes sense that you want to be able to leverage it as effectively as possible. Knowing your customer journey helps give you a roadmap with which to focus your efforts on.