Keywords Can Reach the Right B2B Audience

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to SEO and keyword usage, people often have the wrong idea. Much of these misconceptions stem from the early days of SEO and the perceptions that were created then, but these are not accurate perceptions for the present day. So, we need to leave these ideas in the past.

Instead, we need to remember that the focus of keywords should be on connection. They should be used as a tool to help you connect with your audience. This is aligned much better with the way we need to think about them. Here are some of our thoughts on how B2B’s can use keywords to reach the right audience:

Know Your Audience

At first, this may seem like an obvious action point. However, you’d be surprised how many businesses we’ve worked with who don’t have the details of their audience properly nailed down before starting their digital marketing efforts, including SEO tasks, such as researching keywords. The audience really should be at the center of all your digital marketing, so if you haven’t taken the time to really nail down the audience, now is a perfect time.

You’ll need this information for when you work on selecting keywords for your SEO. You can’t know how to connect with your audience via keywords if you have no idea what your audience looks like and what their needs are.

Align with Your Goals

There’s a lot that goes into selecting keywords that actually goes beyond connecting with your audience. You also have to answer the question, why do you need to connect with your audience? In other words, without the why established, your audience might feel confused.

A way to eliminate their confusion is to also pre-establish your business goals so you can convey to the audience why they need to care. It has to be about how the business can meet their needs, but first, you need to know what the business is trying to accomplish. It works together. As a B2B, you need to convey this to your audience, and you can do this by carefully selecting keywords that have the right intent.

Focus on Content

The days of stuffing keywords into content are long, long over. In fact, this behavior could result in penalties. Your audience can tell when keywords are stuffed into the content because it makes it read inauthentically. It looks fake and self-serving. When you focus on content, this means you need to establish to your audience how you will help them.

When you write naturally, the right keywords will be automatically sprinkled into the writing. However, it does help to have a list of pre-researched keywords near you that can inspire the topics. The search engines will understand intent, and return your website in the search engines for any relevant searches, regardless of whether the keywords are present in the content directly or not.

Remember that keywords need to be considered thoughtfully. Use them as guides to point the way. Use them to inspire the copy you write and nothing more. They should be used as a tool for connecting your B2B to the right audience.