Using Keyword Search Data for Content

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It’s true that content and SEO are tied together directly. The traditional mindset is that content can help improve SEO – and this is absolutely true! However, it can actually work in the opposite direction. If you already have solid keyword data, either while initially planning your content marketing or as a second phase where you implement the initial SEO and content strategies and then wait for some new data to arrive.

Remember that there are two ways to use keyword data. The first is by analyzing the keyword searches you show up for by using data from Google Search Console. The other is to do some actual keyword research. Either way, the keywords can be useful. Here’s how:

Gain Insights on Search Behaviors

First, you can use the keywords to gain insights about search behaviors. This relates to your content because you want to connect your content to your audience, but do this, you need to understand how your audience is behaving online. Some questions to ask, which the keywords can answer:

  • What types of information are people looking for?
  • Is there information on your site that connect with their desires?
  • How often did people use your branded keywords to find you?
  • How many of the keywords are actually questions?
  • Are there any common themes or patterns that emerge?
  • Do the keywords point to any content holes that should be filled?

These are just a few points to get you started. Feel free to use any other questions you want to explore the data. The answer could lead to content ideas, or they could be the precursor to you generating content ideas. You can use these questions to analyze both sets of keywords – either from any keyword research you may have done, or from your keyword data from the search console.

Handpick Keywords to Create Topic Ideas

After your initial question-asking session, and the insights gained from the session, it’s time to zero in on some keywords that you know in your gut will make excellent topics for content. If they’re on this list, it’s a sign that the audience needs this information. The only thing is, to make sure that the keyword and content align with your business. It needs to pertain to what you do, otherwise it won’t do any good for your content strategy.

Once you pick the keywords, you can start incorporating them into your content and use them to inspire topics. Remember that you don’t want to directly use the keywords, otherwise it could be considered somewhat “spammy”. Just use the keyword to inspire topics that you will use. You might want to keep a running list of ideas an do periodic keyword checks to freshen your content.

Remember that keywords are a useful data set, but you need to know how to best utilize it. Using it to inspire topic ideas is one of the many uses. By reading these lists, you can gain insights about search patterns that you wouldn’t have otherwise gotten.