How Keyword Research Boosts B2B Marketing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Keyword research is one of those parts of digital marketing that is often misunderstood. On the surface, its purpose is obvious – it aligns well with an SEO strategy and forms a launching point for those efforts. However, there is so much more that a round of keyword research can help with. Overall, it boosts your B2B marketing strategy as a whole for multiple reasons. Here are some of our thoughts on how keyword research can enhance your marketing.

Helps You Get to Know the Environment

Keyword research is an excellent way to gather data about the industry, the business, and even the competitors. It can help you identify patterns that will impact your marketing efforts as a whole.

Most importantly, it helps you gain insights into how your audience thinks. For example, we have a client that has a very specific, industrial equipment. The keywords one would think would align with this business are not aligning. Why? Because they’re far too similar to keywords associated with a simple product that you can find at a hardware store.

The keyword research uncovered this pattern. Now, when composing their B2B marketing strategy, this conflict is on our minds because one has to be very careful not to lead any element of the marketing, such as the website copy, down a direction that will point to the keywords that aren’t relevant for this business.

Aligns Content with the Needs of the Audience

In the example mentioned above, a main theme emerges that is worth considering separately. Keyword research not only helps you understand the audience, but also helps align the needs of your audience with the content.

If that audience needed the simple tool that you can buy at the hardware store, but was directed to a website for a company with a different product that pertains to industrial equipment, the audience would be disappointed. On the flip side, if they needed the industrial equipment but was directed to a website for a hardware store, that would also be disappointing.

Keyword research gives you important insights that will help you align the needs of the audience with the content on your website.

Make Data Driven Decisions Using Keyword Research

Another great use for keyword research is that it can help you make data driven decisions. This use for keywords is often underestimated, but it is a valuable piece of data that can benefit the business in so many ways. This data can help improve your overall B2B marketing strategy. You can find out information such as trends, search volume, and competition. It can also give you insights into audience behavior and even keyword intent.

When formulating a strategy, this is valuable information to be able to draw from. Not only that, but when formulating the keyword data, it can give you valuable insights into the industry as a whole.

It is important to understand that we are in an error where keywords shouldn’t be specifically and aggressively used in your marketing. Rather, they should be treated as a data point that will enhance your B2B Marketing as a whole.