Indirect Factors that Could Affect SEO

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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As a brand or company that has the goal of improving your search engine results, SEO is often top-of-mind. When you think of SEO, keywords and phrases probably come to mind immediately. These are important for your SEO, but there are other factors you should take into consideration as well. Though less obvious, these indirect factors could affect your SEO.

Here are some indirect factors to consider for your SEO success:

Meta Descriptions

Two important meta tags, of the many that exist, are the meta description tag and meta title tag. Meta tags are a short piece of text that describes the content for search engines. Meta tags are only found within the code of the page and not on the page itself. Though Google says meta tags aren’t used as a factor in your search engine results, they are important to your SEO.

By adding meta tags, you may boost your results, but you will also attract more organic traffic. In order to avoid having Google change your meta tags, stick to 55 – 60 characters, include targeted keywords, and accurately describe your content. Meta tags can improve your click-through rates, which benefits your SEO efforts.

How Comprehensible Content Is

How easy content is to read can play into your SEO success. Readability means that anyone can read and understand your content, not just people with advanced degrees and an exceptional vocabulary. There are tools you can use that will give you a readability score. One of these is the Flesch-Kincaid readability score. You simply paste a portion of text into the text box and you will receive a score which tells you if your writing is readable or not.

Easy-to-read content benefits your SEO because people prefer these types of pieces. They don’t want to read content that is complicated. Complicated content is time-consuming and the last thing you want to do is frustrate potential customers. Using a more casual and conversational tone along with words everyone can understand will help to boost your SEO.

Social Media

Another indirect factor that can benefit your SEO is social media. The links you share on your social media platforms can help to increase your brand or company’s exposure. This exposure plays a role in your SEO. Social media helps to generate social signals that let search engines know that your content is being noticed and has something to offer.

This can result in longer lifespan of your posts, improved visibility, increased organic traffic, and better brand recognition. Likes, shares, and engagement on the posts you share on social media can be used to help your search engine results. So, while not directly connected, SEO and social media do share an important link.

There are a variety of factors that play a role in your SEO efforts. In the past, SEO may have seemed like a much more straightforward process. These days there are both direct and indirect factors to take into consideration. Because they all play a role in determining your search engine results, you don’t want to neglect the indirect factors.